Gates Open

Zakuro 4 Life

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2008
Im bored LIke I always am and I want to play with someone.

Ill open my gates when someone posts to come over.

Post Now ^^
K. K. said:
Zakuro 4 Life said:
Ok So I just posted and Now Im already being called a loser...

Well my Wifi Is Working So shut up >.>
it is the fact of life loser
Ok Dude Please Stop posting Here unless you want to play.

Oh and Tip:Get a new insult book."Loser" is so out of style XP
Zakuro 4 Life said:
Im bored LIke I always am and I want to play with someone.

Ill open my gates when someone posts to come over.

Post Now ^^
omg omg mines on!!! yea!! here add me!!
i wanna go to ur town!!!!!

Eh....Is the wifi working? Sorry to mess up your post....I was just checking if the wifi is working o_O