Pokémon Gen 2 vs Gen 4: Which had better Pokémon?

Which generation had a better roster of Pokémon

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Sep 9, 2014
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Between the two even-numbered generations from the past, which one of them had a better selection of Pokémon species. The Johto generation, or the Sinnoh generation?

This may seem to be an odd choice comparing two even-numbered generations, but one thing both generations have in common is that they expanded on previous evolutionary lines.
Jhoto has some of my favorites like Umbreon, Ampharos, and Lugia but Sinnoh has the best legendaries and mythicals hands down. It's a tough one but overall I'd have to say Sinnoh.

Edit: I actually think I'd say Jhoto, now that I think about it. It's a close one between the two but honestly, I wouldn't put either of them over Hoenn's or Unovas 'mons. Definitey above Kanto and Kalos though.
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I'm going to have to say Sinnoh. Johto has always felt kind of short with the introduction of new species for me, and that it relies heavily on Kanto Pokemon to fill in the gaps. Meanwhile, I know some of the evolutions in Sinnoh are disliked by people, but as a whole the generation really does introduce a bunch of cool new Pokemon. Lucario is also my favorite Pokemon ever, so.
It's easily Gen 2 for me simply because of the Mareep line 🐏⚡💖 but it's also pretty mixed, since both Gens introduced the most Pokémon related by evolution and species. By that I mean Gen 2 introduced babies such as Pichu, Smoochum, Magby and Elekid, and Gen 4 introduced unnecessary crap like Lickilicky, Ambipom and Rhyperior. But we also got some great ones like Gliscor, Togekiss, Magnezone and Electivire.

Basically, Gen 2 was in the Baby Looney Tunes phase (there were even plans for a baby Vulpix, Growlithe and Meowth, but those designs got scrapped) and Gen 4 was the Rugrats: All Grown Up phase, trying to make Pokémon like Piloswine, Gligar and Yanma viable. Also, look no further than Sneasel and Weavile lol

Just to advise I'm playing johto now, and the moms are rubbish. Got an onix and it doesn't learn anything decent at all!
Gen 4. Many mons are improved with Gen 4 evos, this includes some from Gen 2. Granted, there are mons that I like in Gen 2, like Skarmory, Scizor, Houndoom and Ampharos. However, the number of Gen 2 mons I like are outnumbered by the number of Gen 4 mons that I like. Murkrow, a favourite of mine when I played Gen 2, got a great upgrade with Honchkrow. Even mons that debuted in Gen 4 are better than Gen 2. Lucario is a good example. The Gen 4 starters are superior than the Gen 2 starters in terms of design and creativity. The Gen 2 starters are a little too simple in design and being pure types doesn't help them either.
The Sinnoh Generation only has these two advantages over Johto’s roster:
  • The Pokémon are stronger.
  • It’s the only generation to not have any Pokémon that I hate.
Other than that, Gen 4 is only my 6th favorite generation, while Gen 2 is my favorite, so obviously I like Johto’s Pokémon more. Reasons:
  • They have better starters.
  • They have better legendary Pokémon (also, the best Gen 4 mythical isn’t any better than Celebi).
  • Espeon and Umbreon >>>>>> Leafeon and Glaceon.
  • Pachirisu may be my favorite electric rodent Pokémon outside the Pikachu line, but Pichu is in Pikachu line.
  • The Pokémon have better designs. Examples: Chinchou, Quagsire, Bellossom, Mareep, and Donphan.
  • And most importantly, Hoppip.
Gen 2 also brings more nostalgia to me, rather than Gen 1 and Gen 4.


gen 4 is like the worst gen ever by practically every metric. don't @ me

and no, hgss aren't gen 4. I mean they are, but I never count remakes in my generational compliments or complaints
Both gens have standout great Pokemon that I quite like, but gen 4 tends to have more Pokemon I feel strongly about disliking, where I can't really think of anything that I dislike quite as much from gen 2. In particular, I think that gen 4's roster of legendaries is the most disappointing. This is the generation I associate most with legendary bloat, and I just don't like any of them aside from Shaymin (and even then, I only really like his land forme)
At the end of the day, I give the win to Gen 2 (even though Gen 4 has great Pokemon like Piplup, Garchomp, and Bidoof, who I've come to love through Pokemon Snap)
I really want to say Johto as it’s one of my favourite regions, but I feel like overall Sinnohs designs are a lot stronger. They feel more creative without deviating into a newer style like they did once the 3d models were introduced
Gen 2 and not because of bias (surprisingly). I just feel like Gen 4 misses in a lot of aspects (I still love you, Turtwig and Piplup lines).
I think Gen 2, mostly because it really captured the awe and magic of a whole new set of Pokemon after the original games. Making me think "Wow, this is amazing! Who would've thought these Pokemon existed?"

Gen 4 does have some cool Pokemon though.
Even though it introduced fewer new Pokemon, Johto designs were generally pretty great and a lot of my favorites come from Gen 2. That being said, Gen 4 introduced Buizel so it wins by default.