Getting Ready To Set Out!


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Well, this is it; Wii time in T-Minus 9 and a half hours!!!

I am heading out to Toys R Us in 3 and a half hours, and I am getting ready to set out... I'm grabbing a DS, lotsa multiplayer games, some reading material, my iPod, LOTS of warm clothing, some lawn chairs, and a whole bunch of excitement!

Any of you guys getting ready?
Yours is for midnight? I'm not getting ready, I'm just probably going to sit on the ground tomorrow morning.
Super_Naruto said:
Yours is for midnight? I'm not getting ready, I'm just probably going to sit on the ground tomorrow morning.
Yep, my Toys R Us is opening at midnight.
I cant camp out because well I cant.I might get it tomarrow.But chances are slim.I am just going to call gamestop repedily untill they have one.
Well Bul, this is it. Good luck.


I'm goin there tommorow at eight thirty AM, but I got a preorder, so although I may have to stand in line, I'm good.