
Senior Member
Dec 12, 2005
I just downloaded GIMP, GNU Image Manipulation Program, and it works great! It's hard to get used to, (I still only know a couple of things) but so far I've mastered the basics. Look at the sig Lone_Wolf made me, and now look what I've done. (I'm not using it without his permission)

Adobe PhotoShop Creative Suite 2 can own the lowly GNU Image Manipulation Program anyday.

Antirocketcloudy said:
Adobe PhotoShop Creative Suite 2 can own the lowly GNU Image Manipulation Program anyday.

Yes but Gimp is free. I still haven't looked at any of the tutorials so I'm not that good. >_<
Yeah but for free its a pretty decent program. But theres no way it beats photoshop, photoshop is God.
Kevin said:
Yeah but for free its a pretty decent program. But theres no way it beats photoshop, photoshop is God.
And by looking at your art, you aren't. Either way does anybody here even know what gimp was made for? Probably not. Gnu is the basic core all linux operating systems run on. Gimp was amde for linux in general, thats really the only time I use it (when I'm running linux)
Antirocketcloudy said:
Adobe PhotoShop Creative Suite 2 can own the lowly GNU Image Manipulation Program anyday.

Yeah photoshop is better... GIMP is getting more stuff added, but photoshop IS better