GIMP Signature making help?


Junior Member
Aug 26, 2013
Okay so, when using paint I got the small pixelated animals link and copied the image URL and pasted it and the backround was black, so I saved the image and added it in and the backround was yellow but how do I get a different colour backround? Thank you! :)
You need to use the image file its self not the image url when adding the pictures to the background :) Hope this helps
If I understand the problem correctly, if you save the images you want to your computer before inserting them into paint it should have the transparent background.
I'm a GIMP user myself, and I'm not quite sure what you're asking. You need to download the image to your own computer, first of all, and then open up the image in GIMP. And a simple way to change the background color is to just use the bucket tool to fill in the area with the color (or GIMP pattern) you want.
You have to save the images to your computer, if you just use the URL to copy/paste them it wont save the transparent background information.

So what I do is save them to a folder, then open them and cut/paste onto my sig, move it around where I want ti to go and then anchor it.

I hope this helps!