
Super_Naruto said:
I'm probably using my Masterball on either him or Heatran. Those are the Lvl 70s right?

And the only reason I used it because he's a bugger to get to, and I found him by accident and didnt want to go back.
dragonflamez said:
Is it worth a Master Ball?

Just asking, cause I used mine on it.
Definitly, if you weren't saving it for that crazy horse thing.
Girantina is good, but If you wanted Arceus... It'll be real tough.

The type combo is good( and it suits you) Its a strong attacker as well.
When given all the TMs HMs and stuff he has a good variety of moves to kill with

I caught him with a Dusk Ball :). And I caught Regigigas with a great ball, so that only leaves 1 level 70 left, Heatran. I'll probably not use my masterball on him.