Trading /[Giveaway] LF My Final Dream Villager, Lolly [And Also A "Thank You" From Me Thread]


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (89) +
/[Giveaway] LF My Final Dream Villager, Lolly [And Also A "Thank You" From Me Thread]

Thank you for clicking on this thread ^^. You are looking at the perfect person to give Lolly to a nice, warm, and loving home.

So I've come quite far. I have obtained 8 dream villagers all thanks to you wonderful TBTers. While trying to cycled Violet out of my town, Graham has left without notice. You will be missed! :( I have decided to replace him with Lolly as I was considering her from the start if this sort of thing happened.
My good friend Hound00med has found a couple of my dream villagers around TBT and other AC adoption websites for me (Bill, and Becky whom I will obtain tomorrow). Everyone else is also to praise for hosting giveaways and cycling threads.You people are a big inspiration to us and have helped many of us get our dream villagers.
I believe a big Thank You! is in order :) You guys rock!

So, on terms of dream villagers, Lolly is the last dream villager I am after! If anyone would like to giveaway or trade me her, I would greatly appreciate it :3

Can trade some items (ask me and I will check catalog). I really don't have much bells to buy her. I only have 500k in the bank which I will need to pay off my house.Thank you for reading!
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This is probably better suited for "The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread". It's stickied at the top of the board. c:

Good luck!
Good luck! :D .. I'm sure you'll find them all again :) .. Although you may need some really good luck for Zucker and Shep :p
i'm currently trying to TT margie out of my town. if she ever decides to move i'll let you know ^-^
I'll tell you if I can TT Becky out of my town, she just don't want to get out and I need space for my dream neighbors