Giving away all my stuff...


Nov 22, 2008
Hi everyone! I just found my animal crossing city folk which was in a box by itself (No case luckily it still works o_O) anyways I've come to the decision that im going to restart my entire town so before I do that im going to let people come and take a bunch of stuff anything the want also I want everyone to go crazy:

  • Fish
  • Chop trees
  • Trample flowers
  • etc...[/b]

It'll be fun :D who wants to come? Add my guy who's in the profile to the left

Ok everyone can add me now
but it'S alrdy done! we cut down all the trees and etc. LoL. But i can still add u to my friends :3 if u want
Manu said:
but it'S alrdy done! we cut down all the trees and etc. LoL. But i can still add u to my friends :3 if u want
Sure! I added you already. Can you open your gates?
sure, but i prefer to go to other ppl towns XD right now i'm at k.k.'s, so plz wait a few minutes, alright? :3
Manu said:
sure, but i prefer to go to other ppl towns XD right now i'm at k.k.'s, so plz wait a few minutes, alright? :3
okay... but I don't think you want to go to my town... see, I'm regrowing my grass EVERYWHERE, so... you can't walk ANYWHERE... sorry. Can I still come to your town? If no, then I'll open my gates...