katt is my beloved and NOBODY can take her from me
So, I logged back into my island today for a few minutes and found that Redd was wandering around my island.
This was the first day I had seen him here and he also reacted like it was my first time.
Tom Nook had nothing to say about him, all that he announced was that my second villager, Rio, had moved in.
This here below from the wiki says that Redd first sells you a painting that is guaranteed authentic, and then comes back and lets you into his shop the next time he's there.
I spoke to him and he just said to come to the boat.
Everything there looked to be authentic but doesn't line up with the wiki page which states that not only can you not enter the boat until the second time, you can't choose which one you get the first time. His icon also appeared on the map the second I loaded into the game.
Is this a glitch? Will he skip giving you the guaranteed real one if you miss a day of playing? (I haven't played for maybe 2 days)
For reference he was offering the Mona Lisa (authentic; I bought it), Starry Night, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and a statue.
This was the first day I had seen him here and he also reacted like it was my first time.
Tom Nook had nothing to say about him, all that he announced was that my second villager, Rio, had moved in.
This here below from the wiki says that Redd first sells you a painting that is guaranteed authentic, and then comes back and lets you into his shop the next time he's there.
I spoke to him and he just said to come to the boat.
Everything there looked to be authentic but doesn't line up with the wiki page which states that not only can you not enter the boat until the second time, you can't choose which one you get the first time. His icon also appeared on the map the second I loaded into the game.
Is this a glitch? Will he skip giving you the guaranteed real one if you miss a day of playing? (I haven't played for maybe 2 days)
For reference he was offering the Mona Lisa (authentic; I bought it), Starry Night, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and a statue.