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Glitches in my game! =(


El Psy Congroo
May 21, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Blue Balloon
Green Balloon
Red Balloon
Orange Balloon
Nightmare Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Love Ball
Moon Ball
So i recently street passed my brother who has the game so i went to the happy home showcase and went in his house and found that his carpet has a black kinda straight line through it! my brother showed me its not there on his game so if any one else have this problem replay back and please tell me how to fix this! also i had the game since it came out on June 9th and i still haven't gotten crazy redd yet his suppose to come at least two times a weak! please help:mad:!
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A few things here..
Redd does not come twice a week, never has never will. I have yet to have Redd, it's all random. Some people get him immediately, some have to wait- just like how some people haven't had Gracie yet {myself included}.

Also, a small thin line in the floor could really be caused by anything, and if it doesn't effect game play, it was probably something from upload. Let it be.
I've only had redd twice now I think he shows up once a week for two weeks straight for me haven't seen him since sunday.
That's... really weird. o_o Did you check to make sure you don't have an update to download?

Also, I've had Redd only twice too, and no Gracie yet. Though my online friend has gifted me tons of Gracie items! :D
I've heard of some pretty weird things going on with digital copies of the game, assuming we're talking about one of those here.
So far there's Vesta with a black dot on her nose that moves whenever she speaks (similar to the line shown above) and then I find out that same save file gets completely wiped out!
The physical copy I have so far has not given me any trouble (hoping it won't at all). Made me wonder if it's just the digital copies being affected by this weird glitch or if it'll happen to both versions...

I've also only had Redd twice and no Gracie. I've only had Katrina once I think...
Oh gosh, don't say that about the save being wiped!!!! D: >is playing a digital copy right now< I knew there would be good reason to buy a physical copy... Do you know if there's any ways to backup a save file? :/
I dont think of a reason that may cause problems with a digital copy only, unless you interrupted your download or corrupted the files in someway. I play digital copy and so far not a single problem -although I didnt download the game because I have bundle- so before we start with this kind of rumors we should check hard facts and not blame it to the digital copy right away.

Also keep in mind that if there are actual bugs or glitches Nintendo will update it and fix it.
Lastly for players with digital copy now there is a backup option for us to save our data in case of something terrible. It was included with the last update :)
Coni: Okay, well thank you for letting me know that info! :) There are plenty of ways a file could get corrupt while downloading, though, that may not be game-breaking, so it might not become noticeable until you're already well into your save game. I don't know how saves made on corrupt game files are resolved though... especially on a game with online aspects. Usually the corruption makes the save incompatible with a non-corrupt game file, but like I said, I do not know how it would act within a New Leaf game file.
To those of you saying you haven't seen Gracie yet - assuming you are not time travelling - you will not be seeing Gracie until Timmy and Tommy's shop has upgraded to TIY. If you are now at T&T Mart, there will next be Super T&T and then TIY. Spend a bunch of bells at TIY and Gracie will start showing up for fashion checks.
Well, that graphical glitch meant could mean your save file might be already corrupted if it always showed up whenever you visit the affected house. This could be a sign that your game may eventually get further corrupted that it won't let you accessing to that town anymore. If you're using your digital version of the game, then you can just redownload the game. If that doesn't solve the problem, try using a different SD Card (preferrably a more reliable one).

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a game which requires much more loading and saving than an average 3DS game would ask. On my Japanese 3DS, it's the only game that consistently crashed.
The game actually checks the integrity of whatever data stored in RAM everytime the game loads. If it detect anormalies, the failsafe applies; game will crash, send you to HOME menu (mostly) and force rebooting. However, the failsafe system isn't perfect, as it doesn't cover every kind of anormality, which can possibly trigger a data corruption at worst. Why it wasn't happening on most of the other games I own for my JPN 3DS made clear that Animal Crossing: New Leaf has some stability issues that are yet to be corrected on the next update.
International versions of the same game also appear to suffer from that, but my digital NA town never encountered the problem even after 2 weeks of playing (aside from a second-long freeze whenever I read Re-Tail's signpost).
I wouldn't concern myself with it if your game play is not affected. When you order it, does it have the black line? Also, maybe it was as simple as a bad connecton on the streetpass that didn't allow it to load properly.
That graphical glitch is probably caused by some error when you downloaded the game. It looks like something went wrong downloading the texture for that carpet. Did you try redownloading?
I wouldn't concern myself with it if your game play is not affected. When you order it, does it have the black line? Also, maybe it was as simple as a bad connecton on the streetpass that didn't allow it to load properly.

I order it to see if what you said was true but its still there!