Going back to Wild World for a Week: Day 5


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Unfortunately I didn't have the time to play yesterday, and I like to take my time with these entries so I just decided to skip a day. I'll still be going all 7 days just didn't have time to make a entry yesterday and didn't play at all. Anyways, onto the day.

I got a letter today from the HRA saying that I have 1,021 and that I should try harder. Yeah sure, I'll try harder once I get the bells to. Oddly enough my villagers still won't reply to me when I send them letters with fruit I wonder whats going on? I googled this to find out what I was doing wrong, turns out you need to fill up one line of dialogue I just typed "Fruit" and sent it. So I guess I'll type out a sentence or two and try again. It has been more then a day since I buried my shovel, so I dug it up and sure enough it was golden. Time to bury some money, I'll just plant one money tree though to see how much money it makes compared to other fruit trees. I buried the other shovel I had so I could sell it for a bit more tomorrow, gotta make those bells when I can. I noticed that in this game a lot more weeds come up more then New Leaf, and yeah I like the lesser weeds in New Leaf it just was a annoyance that was gone. If you have the beautiful ordinance in place in New Leaf hardly any weeds appear so you could disappear from the game for a long time and come back and your town isn't messy. I liked that feature lots. Checking my map I see we have yet another new Villager, Agent S. I have 3 squirrels in my town so far the amount of these guys is getting outrageous. I love them though, they might be my favorite type design wise. Lucky challenged me to a competition, who could find a Pill Bug first. Dunno if I'll actually compete this but if I find one, I'll bring it to him. As soon as I say that I hit a rock and find a Pill Bug right away. Normally I would put this in the museum but I'm sure I'll come across another one soon enough. Lucky gave me a office desk for winning the competition but whatever, I'm just going to sell it. Whitney grabbed me on my way down to the beach and asked me how her makeup look, I just said perfect and she gave me a mummy shirt out of it. What I was doing at the beach was getting them shells since money is a bit scare since I still don't have those foreign fruits. I know I know, I could just sell fish but time is money. At Nook's he had a slingshot, thankfully since every time I saw a balloon I was sorely disappointed that I couldn't shoot it down. But now I can! So thats cool, so now the only tool that I need is a watering can. Sally started to remember my name today so we are getting slightly closer. I sold all my junk to Nook and mailed my letters and that was it for the day. See you guys tomorrow!