Going back to Wild World for a Week: Final Day


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2015
Throwback Tickets
7 Days of continues fainting excitement, I'm not going to even play today its just going to be what I think about this game compared to New Leaf. While this game certainly did it back for me when I was 8,9, and 10 I stopped playing because I just got bored with the game. There are a lot less things to do in Wild World, I can't go to the beach, I can't govern my town the way I see fit, I can't visit anyone's town online to get fruit since Nintendo WFC doesn't exist anymore. The controls aren't nearly as good, when I try to make a hole to stop myself from going back while hitting a money rock in New Leaf, It only takes one shot o get the hole right. In this game it takes a few tries, with digging holes, fishing and and whatnot. I found the controls just not to be as good as New Leaf is a much more enjoyable game because of that. While this isn't really something I can fault Wild World for because its 8 years older then New Leaf, another reason I find new leaf more fun to play is because its prettier to look at, it runs a bit smoother and again its the more enjoyable experience. Now, while it might seem as if I'm praising New Leaf to be the best game ever it does have its flaws. I found the music to be so, so very much better in Wild World and I liked having the characters all available from the start and none of this funding anything to get certain characters. Also the more I thought about it the more the town square bugged me in ACNL why was everything in one spot and not spread out all across town? I would rather my town be a bigger and have all the shops in town as opposed to being sectioned off in a separate loading area. Also instead of having KK be there everyday like he was in Club LOL, maybe have something where he could start off in Brewster's shop and you could upgrade venues for him until he has a really big stage to play on. I found doing my daily tasks in ACWW to be chores, in New Leaf I found them to be entertaining and fun because they were easier to do controller wise. Look, I'm starting to go over my same points so let me condense this entire thing. ACWW was better in atmosphere and music, ACNL was better with gameplay. ACWW is hard to go back to, even as someone who has extreme ties to this game from childhood.

Hope you enjoyed these series of blogs, while I'm not continuing these myself, there are plenty of people out there that do things just like these so why don't you go googling? Bye!

(Between you and me, I've done everything there is to do in New Leaf so I'm kinda bored of that game as well. I only play with friends nowadays, I hope the next AC game is coming soon because we all could use it.)