golden axe


Mar 3, 2009
well, i have been throwing an axe into my fountain everyday since i got my fountain...........but serena wont ever give me a golden axe and she always keeps the ones I have thrown in!
what am I doing wrong??!!!
Serena's initial questions can lead to further questions, so the initial questions are marked below with A, secondary questions with B, and so forth. Sometimes questions are skipped, too, so look at the notes for each answer to see which question paths are possible.
A1) Serena: What kind of axe did you throw in?

* Gold Axe : Takes your axe.
* Silver Axe : Takes your axe.
* Normal Axe : May return or take your axe, or continue with questions B1 or C1.
* Nope, nothing : Takes your axe.

A2) Serena: Don't you think I look completely different?

* Big Change! : May return or take your axe, or continue with question B2. (Note: This option is said to work better)
* Same as ever.: May return or take your axe, or continue with question B2.

A3) Serena: Do you really not like me or something?

* Yeah! - Prompts question B3.
* Of course not! : Takes your axe.

B1) Serena: Did I seem goddessy? (Range bar)

* Spot On (top) : May return your axe, give metallic axe, or continue with question C1.
* About 85% (top): Might give you Golden Axe or return axe.
* No! (bottom) : Gives you metallic axe, or takes your axe.

B2) Serena: What kind of axe do you want?

* Gold Axe : Prompts question C3, or may returns or take your axe.
* Silver Axe : Prompts question C4, or may take your axe.
* Regular Axe : Returns your axe, or gives you a metallic axe.
* Nothing : Returns or takes your axe.

B3) Serena: Did I do something to make you not like me?

* Yeah, you did! : Prompts question C2.
* Not really. : Takes your axe.

C1) Serena: I do happen to have some silver axes lying around. Want one of those?

* Yeah, gimme! : Takes your axe.
* Yes, please : Takes or returns your axe, or gives you a Silver Axe.
* No, Thanks : Takes your axe.

C2) Serena: How much do you not like me? (Range Bar)

* A lot much! (top) : Takes your axe.
* (between middle and top): Takes your axe, or prompts question D1.
* (midway) : Takes your axe.
* (a smidge below midway): Takes your axe, or prompts question D1.
* (between middle and bottom): Takes your axe.
* A little (bottom) : Takes your axe.

C3) Serena: You really think I will give you that? (Range Bar)

* Yes (top) : Takes your axe, or prompts question D2.
* (between middle and top) : Returns axe. (says close to how she feels)
* (midway) : Takes or returns your axe, or gives you a Golden Axe.
* No (bottom) : Takes your axe.

C4) Serena: So, how bad do you want one? (Range Bar)

* Super bad! (top): Returns your axe, or gives you a Silver or Gold Axe.
* (between middle and top): Takes your axe.
* (midway): (unknown)
* Meh, whatever. (bottom): Takes your axe.

D1) Serena: Maybe I should disqualify myself from goddesshood...

* Yeah, you're right: Takes your axe.
* It's not that bad!: Prompts question E1 or F1.

D2) Serena: Did you really think that?

* Yeah, I did!: Takes your axe.
* Maybe not...: (unknown)

E1) Serena: Do you think you'll be able to like me more?

* Yeah!: Returns or takes your axe or prompts G1 if she already asked F1, or prompts question G2 or F1.
* Nah: Takes your axe.

F1) Serena: You're just trying to make me feel better, aren't you?!

* C'mon, cheer up!: Takes your axe, or prompts question G1 or E1 If not already asked.
* Not Really: Takes your axe.

G1) Serena: ...Do you want a present?

* Yes!: Prompts question H1.
* No, thanks.: Takes your axe.

H1) Serena: Left or right?

* Left: Takes your axe or gives you a Silver Axe.
* Right: Returns or takes your axe or gives you Silver or Golden Axe.

Fitzy's guide (from the accf wikispaces site) will help you to avoid those answers that lead her to take your axe.

There is a theory out there that having a high level of yellow feng shui increases your chances of getting a gold axe, but it's only a theory so far as I know.

Just be patient. Remember, the chances of her giving you a gold axe is supposed to be 1%... meaning that you could try 100 times, answer everything correctly, and only have one golden axe to show for it. Or, with bad luck, NO gold axe to show for it.
I haven't got a golden axe yet myself... i got a silver one, but that was because i went and tried my luck on another character and jacked it off them when they got it. XD