golden tools!?


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2009
i have a golden shovel already and i know it can grow money trees.
can it do anything else?

and what do these do?:
-golden/silver axe (will this axe still break?)
-golden watering can
-golden slingshot
-anything else golden lol
G. Slngshot - 3 pellots
Rod - Easier to attract fish
Shovel - Money Treeas
Axe - Never break
Net - Further Distance
Can - Further distance. Able to get Golden Roses.
Golden Axe And Silver Axe Will Not Break
Golden Watering Can I Think Helps Make Hybrids Faster
Golden Slingshot Shoots 3 Bellets
Golden Rod Makes It Like A Fish Magnet
Golden Net Has An Extended Pole I Think
The Golden Axe doesn't break. The Golden Fishing rod can generally catch any fish without trouble. The Golden Watering Can looks awesome and helps breed flowers, a bit, I think. The Golden Shopping card is nothing but to show off. The Golden Shovel helps you plant Bell Trees.

That's all I remember from the top of my head.