Pokémon Good fairies for Dragon raid battles?

Reginald Fairfield

Senior Member
Dec 21, 2017
White Hyacinth
Red Hyacinth
Cool Heart Balloon
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Blue Christmas Stocking
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Golden Mushroom Lamp
The only properly bred fairy I had for a bit was Ribombee. With the release of the new dlc, I'm noticing dragons with second types good against my bug. I just bred a Rapidash, might be a tad on the frail side. Are there any that would be more fitting for this?
Mimikyu is amazing because of its disguise ability, otherwise I'd recommend using a max special attack Clefable with magic guard and life orb!
I love my steel types and all, but definitely DO NOT take Mawile. It is super weak to special moves, which sucks. And a lot of dragon types have special moves that aren't dragon type (flamethrower, hydro pump, etc), and it could get one shot.

I stick with my Alolan Ninetales, though I use it more as support if all 3 other people are real people and not NPCs (Snow Warning + Aurora Veil).
I like Primarina. It has great Special Attack so it deals devastating damage with both its regular moves as well as Max Moves. Otherwise the classic Zacian is always a strong choice, but its Play Rough can miss.