Good Ideas for Castle Rooms?


♥️ willow lover ♥️
Jan 14, 2014
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Yellow Candy
I'm making my main house into a castle, I already have the main room with lots of art pieces, a throne and some cool candles, a little bath area, the princess themed bedroom upstairs and a library :)
I'm having a hard time with my left side room and my downstairs, does anyone have any ideas what I should make those two rooms? :blush: <3
How about a dining room/ feast room? You could add lots of food and it'd look really festive, especially since Thanksgiving is coming up :)
Ahh all these ideas are so good! I really like the idea of the basement dungeon, and the dining room. Getting a table to look big enough for that might be difficult though, since the biggest tables are 2x2.
Aw I love all of these ideas thank you!! :blush:
I might go with a dungeon and a feast room! I especially love the idea of a dungeon its so creepy and unique!
I'm going for a medieval themed town myself and have a castle home so I might be able to offer a bit of insight. The dungeon in the basement is certainly a must, for mine I made an undead dragon out of the dinosaur fossils T-rex skull, apato torso, ankylo tail, and a pair of ptera wings with a fire bar in front to simulate fire-breathing. I put egg lamps on one side and two creepy skeletons with a treasure chest on the other side. You can use my idea if you want, the ptera wings stick out a little but the rest of the fossils fit together rather well, I specifically chose fossils that looked the right height to connect to one another so I don't think you could form a better dracolich.

On my left room I have an armory with mannequins in various armored outfits, swords, a cannon, my gold axe and toy hammer on the table, things like that.

My right room has a royal garden/courtyard with various plants and a couple of outdoor baths in the middle with a merlion behind one to make it look like a fountain.

You could also make a church or something with stained glass windows, I haven't done it myself because I ran out of rooms but churches tend to be pretty medieval if you want to go that route.
You can use some mannequins. The patched clothes (From Halloween, when you get tricked by a villager) could represent a peasant!