good random move ins


Hi Guys!
May 21, 2014
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Cherry (Fruit)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
So today i discovered that Bruce is moving in tomorrow.
I looked at him on a wiki and saw he was actually kinda cool.
Back when i first started one of my first move ins was goldie.
She was on my dreamie list.
Has anyone else had this kinda luck?
I've had Julian and Marshal as random move-ins before. Neither of them were dreamies though.
My accidental move-ins (Rudy, Amelia and Bam) from other towns aren't bad. Amelia made me mad because I wanted Tangy in camp. =/
I've never had a random move-in that I'd been looking for but I rarely look for specific villagers. I've been lucky with my move-ins though in the sense that they've been villagers I ended up liking.
Lol the best random move-in was Ankha. She just moved in today. lel
I've had a lot of good campers recently. My cycle town is made mostly out of tier 1 villagers.
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julian was one of my original move-ins & i also got ankha that way tho i reset a few times. i liked her a lot but i traded her for diana :3
Zell, Diana, and Kiki. I wanted Zell and Kiki gone for a long time, actually. But Zell grew on me and I can't bear to separate him from Diana. Plus he's the only smug villager I like besides Graham. Kiki was actually booted from someone's town who I used to share classes with. The girl who booted her hated her and wanted her gone forever, and when Kiki moved into Muffin I didn't really want her either. I agreed to let her move, but then three days later I had a change of heart and probably talked to her for thirty minutes straight just to get her to cancel moving plans.
I had Julian, Beau, Coco, and Fauna as all random move-ins. Sadly I reset my town before I knew how valuable some of them were.
Julian is the only one I've gotten as a 'good' random move-in. Sadly, I reset my town, not knowing how valuable he was.
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roald, one of my dreamies moved in by himself. and he was the third villager to ever move into my town after my original villagers. i also had molly for a long time and she was a random move in, until i accidentally tt'd her out of my town. gwen is another of my dreamies and she was in my campsite. dunno if you'd class that as random.
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Lolly and Kyle moved in randomly but they were from 'recently vistited towns' so I dont know if that counts, haha.
i got Genji and Erik as move-ins, but sadly i gave em away cuz of TT accidents zzzzz
I got Moe from the Streetpassing void back in February and he's still living in my town ever since.
Erik moved in randomly. I didn't care too much for him at first, but he grew on me. he's quite the cutie.
Got julian as a default move-in.
Other than that I haven't gotten anything good from streetpass or spotpass.
Ruby and Zell were my first move ins and I loved them ever since ^^
stitches definitely; he will make me some bells heheh. diana too, but she came from the campsite. skye was one of my first villagers after the original 5, and i still have her. she's probably my favorite in town :)