Gorgeous town of Gouville


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2009
<big>Gorgeous town of Gouville</big>
Aah, so you wanted to know something about Gouville?
Well you came to the right place. The history of this lilttle town is fairly unknown except that it used to be very grassy and maybe even haunted :r A couple of years later Gouville excisted as we know it today! Just a fun town with nice people, lots of trees, various sorts of fish and a windmill.
I know what you're thinking, "I want evidence, this place can't be real!" Sorry, i got to proove you wrong, take a look into the spoiler
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
I get that you want more info, of course you want to, it's Gouville :D
Fruit: native apples, but i have all the fruits growing in my town
Nook's: nookingtons
Town donations bridge, serena's fountain & windmill :)

<big>My home</big>
yeah i heard you think; "So this guy has no house?"
wrong! ] actually i do :yay:
It has a flag (very proud of it)
and of course it's filled with furniture; upstairs is holding my 3 gulliver items,
livingroom is my lucky item storage and the basement is filled with the princess set and some accesoires. Owh right before i forget; i've got usb & wiispeak :p

<big>The laws of Gouville </big>
  • Don't chop my trees
  • only run on the paths (if I catch you running off the paths i'll throw you out, seriously, i've worked really hard to get some grass back)
  • don't swing your axe at my neigbours (that's just cruel ! , use a net for pete's sake :p )
  • pick fruit if you want
  • buy things at nook without asking
  • when you see a starshaped hole, scream; "hole" or "supercalifragilisticexpialidoucious" the last one is always more fun :p
    well that's it actually, enjoy

    <big>random pictures from Gouville</big>
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    kitty gave me some tips how to get your way :p</div>
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    Bunnie just witnessed a fight between Blathers & Celeste </div>
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    Jeremiah took a good look at some bugs </div>
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    <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

    Bunnie was yapping about some elderly people who sat on the bus with her :p </div></div>
royman6 said:
the picture of you town in the spoiler, it says "X Posted Image''
really? if i click on it i see the picture :O

ah i know what went wrong; no worries i'll fix it :p
JobySheepie said:
Whoo! Ik moet eens op bezoek komen >o< Nice village! =D
lol, valt nu wel mee, ik ging eerst voor perfect town maar was te veel moeite :p
en nu heb ik alles behalve de palmbomen omgehakt :p moet nog opnieuw bomen & bloemen planten en nog wat paden aanleggen ^^
Yeaaaah, i live here to :yay:

i didn't know you took some pictures, but mkay, why am i not in any of them? :'(