
The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
After rollover tonight I went around gathering as normal whilst doing favors, when I discovered that the game decided to do me a personal favor and bring some goth flair to my beach! All my palms, including the non-producing ones, were all black! I even tried shaking them, the animated falling leaves were still green funny enough, but the tree stayed black! Anybody else experience this glitch?

The game must know how much you love the Goth stuff! Nice opportunity for some spooky photos. One time I was in a friend's garden right as the cycle switched over and I got a loading screen. When the game came back, my character was running in a circle in the garden. I got a good chuckle out of it.
Neat! I've been re-watching Stranger Things, so I find this pretty cool. I'd definitely make up a story involving my camp based on the spooky occurance.

The game must know how much you love the Goth stuff! Nice opportunity for some spooky photos. One time I was in a friend's garden right as the cycle switched over and I got a loading screen. When the game came back, my character was running in a circle in the garden. I got a good chuckle out of it.

She must have been in panic mode! haha.
This is a really interesting glitch wow.
I've never seen any glitches in PC myself