Chose Team Past! :] Tbh when the news of grand festival dropped, I wasn't fully sold on any of the teams since I liked them more or less equally. Was initially gonna choose Team Present so I could play with friends hehe. Then I thought maybe Team Future because I like Deep Cut as well.
Then Three Wishes dropped. And I absolutely cried when Callie and Marie sung their parts.
That was what sold me on Team Past, despite never having played Splatoon 1.
The way the duo sang about nothingness at the beginning, then soon a small light came that gradually shone brighter... about planting tiny seeds in the hopes they would grow into something so meaningful to a lot of people... and here we are standing strong almost a decade later because they set the precedence.
Did you think back then we'd be here? Guiding others in our shoes?
Tiny, tiny seeds, left on the trail, someday to bloom.
I'm personally a person who looks fondly at the past — sometimes the present and the future are overwhelming, I feel I'm not moving forward nor improving, but when I remember the past I realize how far I've come... it's by looking at the past that I get to realize that little steps are still steps forward. Whatever happened in the past shaped me to who I am today. And for my past self, the little kid who used to dream, I can say, "I did it. I hope I made you proud."
A message to us from far in the past, saying, "Shine on!"
And I absolutely love how at the end of Three Wishes, it's Callie and Marie who sing, and it absolutely gets me everytime knowing they were there at the very beginning, and they were there at the end of the song, too. And think about it — they've seen the main characters changing over time. They were there to support everyone.
Here we stand in time—endless past, present, and future span.
Our wishes are the flame that lights up history.
All life here is one—intermingled in the hourglass.
And they end the song by stating that, despite the march of time, this feeling will last forever.
No start, no end, it lasts for all eternity.
So yeah. Three Wishes solidified my love for the Squid Sisters. I'm probably the only one on TBT who chose Team Past, but I don't have any regrets at all. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.