Greetings :3

Junior Mayor
Sep 21, 2014
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
So I've finally decided to bite the bullet and make an account on here. I guess the overwhelming urge to make friends finally succeeded. My name is Jas and I've had NL for nearly a year and with in that time I've been the mayor of 4 towns. >.< I quit my first town because the animals scared me a little (Pietro was the last straw.) I really wanted a town where I felt like I belonged. Then came my second village; Nori. I loved this town! The villagers were awesome and I loved my town layout. Then came a little gem named Marshall. I didn't know who he was prior to seeing him in my village but I knew I loved him. I stuck with this town for several months. I was so happy but then I stopped playing for days at a time. Then weeks, soon my most beloved villagers were gone and they were replaced with horrible creatures. And once Marshall left I didn't want to play in the town anymore. I stuck with it for a little bit but then reset my town. I stayed in my 3rd town for a few days, I was mildly happy but there was no Marshall. Now I'm in my fourth town and while I have Marshall and like most of my villagers, it's fallen into dismay. It's still not what I'd like it to be. The inspiration to make my town great has fizzled but I still wish I could make it the town I know it can be. I'm not asking for bells, certain animals, furniture, or collectables; what I'd really like is the help from the extra-ordinary mayor who wouldn't mind helping this one find the magic in her town. Or to put it simply friends to share the adventures of Winri with. :3
Welcome to TBT! :D
I hope you enjoy your time here and become the mayor of many more towns!