Greetings! From the Office of Mayor Billie


Junior Member
Nov 7, 2015
My first order of business as the mayor of a little berg I like to call Siren... I will be networking with other towns to promote a stable economy for my villagers. The precious dears are in need of bells posthaste!

Who am I? Well I am Mayor Billie! Catcher of bugs... fisher of fish... and with this new community of people by my side I believe my precious town will prosper. (I also design dresses.... let's make a deal)

~The Office of Mayor Billie

Oh and ps.. leave your fan mail below... I will make sure Pete delivers them quickly... I do not tolerate inefficiency...
Well that's one way to introduce yourself :) haha! Hello there Mayor Billie. I'm new around these parts too, Kinda new to animal crossing in general, But it seems nice here.. So yeah WELCOME! :D
this was the cutest introduction ever, omg
welcome to btb mayor billie! I am mayor cailey ^^

if you need anything at all, please pm me ; w;