greetings... (ominous)


May 24, 2024
hello! i'm dreaming, or dream, and i use any pronouns (but if you're not sure, they/them and it/its are my 'default' ones). i started playing ac again recently after taking a long break from new horizons (and not touching my other games for Oh So Long, haha). i have WW, NL and ACNH saves right now, though ACNH is the only one i've really made any kind of progress on. i reset my island on acnh a bunch of times and burnt myself out doing that i think, but now i've finally managed to actually stick with it now that i'm not making myself do the stuff i don't like (terraforming, completionist stuff. that's really it lol)!

atm i'm more interested in wild world and new leaf, with fresh saves in each, to give me a little break from new horizons - but i still like popping into NH to hang with friends or just chat to my villagers and such. i'm really casual when it comes to these games, i'm really just interested in making up little stories about my islanders (and player character) in my head and just... well, having fun!

outside of ac i also play nintendogs and tomodachi life (i've been playing the 3ds a lot lately), and i like farming and simulation games in general. my username + dream motif is partly from final fantasy 14 and partly from the sandman comics :3 i tend to disappear from forums a lot so if that happens here too, well... whoopsies.
Hi there, and welcome to the forums! The little stories about your villagers sounds intriguing! You may be interested in posting an island journal, but don't feel pressured, of course. Here's the link to find out more:

Hello there, and welcome to the forums! ^_^

What is your favorite AC game? :0 My personal favorite is New Leaf c:
Hello stranger, welcome to the forum :>
hello, you... you must send dizzy my love.

Hello and welcome! Who are your favorite villagers?
hello! oh, that's an easy one. dobie is the ultimate one; he was my first favourite in acnh, i'd never met him before! chief was my favourite way back in wild world as a kid, but i think dobie outshines him now.

some other favourites of mine include agnes, chevre, and ruby! i think i have different 'tiers' of favourites; some are from childhood nostalgia (peanut, chief, chevre), some are because i love their design and vibe just on their own (ruby, quinn), and some are because i had them in one of my games long enough that i just became attached to them, so while i might not always want them in my game again i still have a really deep fondness for them... (tipper, agnes, ava, billy). there are so many more akjnsdkjfng it's so hard to narrow it down!

Hi there, and welcome to the forums! The little stories about your villagers sounds intriguing! You may be interested in posting an island journal, but don't feel pressured, of course. Here's the link to find out more:
i actually have two island journals so far, and a third on the way! ^^ i really like the concept of them, you were absolutely right that it's something i'd be particularly interested in. thank you for the warm welcome, i really appreciate it.

Hello there, and welcome to the forums! ^_^

What is your favorite AC game? :0 My personal favorite is New Leaf c:
hello, thank you! i'm not surprised new leaf is a favourite haha, i think it might be mine too... i like all of the games for different reasons, and i'm realising that i honestly don't remember a lot of new leaf from when i first played in 2017 (i hadn't touched it again since then) so i kind of wondered if my favouritism there was just nostalgia... but even having only played for a few days, i think it probably is my favourite after all! i miss the weirdness of WW and the quality-of-life updates (and bigger console/better buttons) of ACNH, but NL just has such a particular charm to it that i really adore.

i also prefer the flowers in nl, as a sidenote! i'm not sure why. :p
I'm a little late to your intro thread, but welcome to the forums, and I hope you're enjoying it here! 😊

I appreciate your shout out to, and fondness for, Agnes! She was my sisterly starter in ACNH. I'd never met her before, but she became a fast favourite for me! 🐷💗 Dobie is adorable. I love the cranky old wolf vibes that Dobie and Fang have.

You mentioned liking farming sims; do you have any favourites? 😊