greetings, programs!


coffee king of doedodoe
Aug 3, 2013
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
i'm pretty lousy at intro posts so uhm...hi? :eek:

just got back into animal crossing after many years. i played the GC version a ton back in college, and played wild world a lot when it first came out...til people came in one day when i left my gates open and totally trashed my town :p

i'm pretty careful about who i let into my acnl town for that reason, but i do really love playing. my town's name is doedodoe and my fav villager is biskit. biskit's been in every AC town i've had as a starting villager, so i'm super fond of them.

i also tend to call biskit a she a lot. i know that's not right, but back in college i completely failed to notice the nametag colours and so just in my head biskit was a girl, haha. i haven't bothered to really correct it cause i mean it's just a game why bother.

i like helping folks out and giving new players welcome baskets (you know, the standard fruits and whatnot) and i'm not really seeking anything in particular, i just thought it'd be cool to join the forums.

oh yeah, i have the gold watering can so if anyone ever is in desperate need of help watering a bazillion flowers i'll be happy to help!