

Filthy Casual
Aug 8, 2015
Hey everyone! :cool:

After spending an hour or two on and off over the past days creating an account and editing my profile I figured I'd introduce myself! I'm a 26 y/o male from Norway and this is the first active forum I've joined since I tried to get into the whole gaiaonline-thing 10 years ago. I go by wolimazo, or woli for short, online. The name means nothing and doesn't have a great story, I just put together random letters 12 years ago and I thought it worked so I've used it since.

My introduction to this series was New Leaf and I've been playing it on and off since release. I've tried playing the other games in the series but imo they're not as fun, but I'm sure I would've loved them if I played them first.

I'll probably spend most of my time on this forum lurking/reading seeing as I'm not as invested in the game or characters as most of the fans of the series are :)
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Welcome to tbt :)
Your signature looks pretty great! I hope you enjoy your time here!