I thought of a game today, while I looking on some posters outside.
Its guess the person's future above you!
This game is where you have to guess the person's future above you. no duh
Guess what they are about to do, what they are gonna have, they job or anything!
Knight: Starting now!
Someone: Your future is that your gonna have a noob for a gf!
Someone2:Your future is that your gonna have the babies when your 19!(if you know that the person above is age 19-.)
And so on.
Lets start now! :throwingrottenapples:
Its guess the person's future above you!
This game is where you have to guess the person's future above you. no duh
Guess what they are about to do, what they are gonna have, they job or anything!
Knight: Starting now!
Someone: Your future is that your gonna have a noob for a gf!
Someone2:Your future is that your gonna have the babies when your 19!(if you know that the person above is age 19-.)
And so on.