A user posts a clue describing a Pokemon either on how it looks, what it does, trivia, and other stuff.
The next person guesses it, then makes their own clues.
Remember, what you're thinking of isn't always the only right answer.
You might say "This Pokemon is mostly blue." then the answer could be Wooper, or Wobbufett, even if you're thinking of Shinx.
If a person is wrong and you know it, post in reply to the person above them, because I want them to feel bad, and quote it for obviousness!
I'll start - "This Pokemon was considered the first artificial Pokemon before the discovery of Gobitto and Goruugu."
The next person guesses it, then makes their own clues.
Remember, what you're thinking of isn't always the only right answer.
You might say "This Pokemon is mostly blue." then the answer could be Wooper, or Wobbufett, even if you're thinking of Shinx.
If a person is wrong and you know it, post in reply to the person above them, because I want them to feel bad, and quote it for obviousness!
I'll start - "This Pokemon was considered the first artificial Pokemon before the discovery of Gobitto and Goruugu."