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[Guide] Safe and "Fast" Cycling Method (get a lost dreamie back, relocate a dreamie)

Tomoe Hotaru

watching the weeds grow..
Jun 29, 2018
Throwback Tickets
[Guide] Safe and "Fast" Cycling Method (get a lost dreamie back, relocate a dreamie)

Hello everyone,
I decided to share the method I used to cycle my villagers with as low of a risk as possible.
The guide is inspired by the method described by Crash in this thread, combined with plot resetting methods to acchieve a very safe but still fast technique.

List of abbreviations
TT = time travel, I ONLY used the system menu to change time in this guide because this makes it easier to use multiple characters.
"exit" = when you are in the game: press the power button and then home to get to the home menu without saving

Introduction: Who is this for?

I had to cycle out 8 of my villagers, while keeping two and trying to reach the 16 villager cycle for 2 villagers I had moved out so I could relocate their houses. So I develloped this method in order to:
  • not loose certain villagers while cycling
  • cycle through unwanted villagers as fast as possible
  • clear my dreamies out of the void and be able to re-invite them (after loosing a dreamie by accident or because of relocating it)
  • decide who moves where

This list is not for you if:
  • you have no villagers you want to keep: in that case check Crash?s guide linked above
  • you want to get this done in a few hours: it will take at least a day to get a dreamie back, if not multiple days depending on how many dreamies you want to keep in your town while cycling

How "fast" is this method?
It really depends on how many villagers you can cycle. As I said before I cycled with 2 dreamies and 7 that were constantly changing. It took me about a day to cycle through enough villagers to get my dreamies back for relocation. Without keeping any villager (this is not the guide for you in this case) you will be faster. The more villagers you need to look out for, the more often you will have to "restart" cycling because you need to convince the dreamie to stay and find a new villager in boxes.

How "safe" is this method?
If you follow my guide and don?t start the game with an existing character when anyone could be in boxes or moving in, you won?t have any unplanned villagers move into town and no one you care about leave. Use the "create a new character option" effectively and you will be able to use a more safe version of the method used by many cycling towns.

What do you need to start?
  • villagers you want to keep (again check the guide linked at the top if you don?t care about keeping any)
  • villagers you don?t want in your town, the more the faster this will go
  • spaces where you want the new villagers to move
  • an open space of 5x7 spaces to place a house and where you don?t mind grass being removed
  • willingness to time travel

Before we start: about talking to unwanted villagers
People have different opinions on this but I have found that villagers move out much faster if you don?t talk to them or only introduce yourself (innitiate only ONE dialogue). While cycling, the villagers I had only introduced myself to and the ones I had never spoken to, were A LOT more likely to leave.
Therefore, I advise you to completely ignore villagers you want to leave. The less you talk to them, the more likely they will be the first to leave and you wont have to restart the cycling process because a dreamie decides to go. I don?t know if your dreamies? "protection" wears off over time, but for me they always seemed less likely to move, even if the game thought I hadn?t spoken to them for a long time, just because I had spoken to them a lot before. The unwanted villagers I had spoken to once or twice before seemed to be almost as unwilling to move out as the dreamies I had spent a lot of time with.
In the end please follow what you believe in as this topic seems to be very controversial around the community. I can only give my experience and I had the most success with completely ignoring unwanted villagers (no intruduction, nothing).

The Beginning: How do you prepare your town?
1. Prepare your town like you would for plot resetting:
leave NO 3x3 spaces without a design you can lay out a grid in your town like so:
x = design o = no design (but plants or items etc.)

2. Select the new 3x3 spaces where villagers should move and surround them with designs
  • keep in mind that a villager?s house needs 1-square space all around it with no stones or other fixed structures
  • the space cannot overlap with the 1-square space of any other building
  • so basically: a villager house needs only one space gap between it and a stone but two spaces between itself and another villager?s house, a PWP or a town building.
  • an example for two plots would look like this:
    x = design o = free space
regarding obstacles like rivers/walls:
  • a villager plot only needs 1-space between itself and the edge of the map, a river/lake and the traintracks.
  • I can?t confirm it but I would guess that a plot needs 2-spaces in front inbetween itself and a river or cliff as this rule applies to character houses.
  • leave 2-spaces between the plot and the entrance to the campground just to be safe
  • If a villager seems to plot onto the designs but you followed the rules above, post here and/or make a thread with a picture of the plot so other people can help you find the issue.
    There have been rare cases people reporting that villagers refuse to move in certain plots even though they followed the rules described above. It can happen and to this day we have not found a definitive answer as to why this is happening.
    People have been suggesting that the issue could be related to the acres within the game. A map in New Leaf is made up of 20 square-shaped acres measuring 16x16 spaces starting from the top of the map. The theory is that only 3 buildings can be placed within one acre. However, we weren?t able to prove or deny this yet and there seems to be some involvement of random chance with this issue occurring.
    Note: I felt the need to put this in here for the sake of completion. However, please don?t let this information scare you away from plot resetting. Only in very rare cases do people experience this issue and it is relatively easy to overcome. If you ever do happen to encounter this, please post here or in the New Leaf section of this forum so people can help you find a workaround. Don?t panic.^^

3. Select your town ordinance wisely
  • if you have many hybrids, enable the beautiful town ordinance or all of them will die!
  • if you want to grow weeds for the badge, save your hybrids in the storage or in the museum!
  • you might not get the gold weeding-badge, but you can get the silver one if you have to do a lot of cycling so it may be worth it^^

4. Find a villager you don?t want to keep or you want to relocate and get them into boxes:
You can:
  • talk to your dreamies as usuall
  • skip forward two days untill they tell you someone is leaving
  • if the villager is a dreamie: get the villager to ping you so you can change their mind
  • if the villager is no dreamie: tell them goodbye and find out the day they are leaving
  • skip to the day but check if the villager is really in boxes, they can change their mind!
  • if the villager is really in boxes: congrats we can start!
Faster but more complex method:
(difficult to explain I might add it later but its really not necessary)

The Main Part: How to cycle?
  1. Make sure your town is prepared and the villager in boxes
  2. save and exit
  3. TT 1 year and 5 days back from the date you saved
  4. load the game with your mayor
  5. everything should be the same but the house of the villager in boxes is missing
  6. use this time to change patterns around:
    - place a pattern where the house of the villager was if you don?t like someone move there
    - prepare a plot of 3x3 spaces where you want future villagers to move, surrounded by patterns​
  7. save and exit
  8. TT 1 year 0 days forward - a new plot will appear
  9. start a new character
  10. press B quickly to skip through the opening scene
  11. walk around with the new character to :
    - check where the new plot is
    - check who is moving in (you might not want a dreamie to move in when you are cycling because it will be more difficult to cycle if you keep them and take longer to get them back if you let them go later)​
  12. "exit" (see abbreviations) and restart a new character untill you are happy with who moves in and where
  13. if you missed a spot with the patterns and the villager keeps moving there, just load up the game when you last saved (exactly a year ago) and place more patterns. then save. The game will not see this as TT as long as you always "exit" with the new character and don?t save or load the game with an already existing character before you change the date.
  14. if you are happy with the new villager and his plot, talk to Isabelle and Tom Nook
  15. place down the house of the new character at the place you selected for it, the pattern-grid in that area will be removed
  16. talk to Isabelle again and save: the current status of your town will be saved for the first time now!
  17. delete the new character in the menu
  18. load your mayor?s file
  19. as you start up Isabelle will ask where you have been for so long
  20. walk to where the house of the new character was and "repair" the grid of designs so no villager will accidentally move there
  21. save the game and exit
  22. TT 7 days forward - someone will be in boxes now
  23. start the game with a new character
  24. check your dreamies?houses:
  25. if a dreamie is in boxes:
    - "exit" without saving
    - TT back 7 days
    - load the game with your mayor
    - let them ping you to change their mind
    - get someone else into boxes by repeating the steps I had descibed above, then restart the cycling from the beginning!
  26. If none of the dreamies is in boxes: no need to check other houses, "exit" without saving and continue:
  27. load the game with your mayor
  28. Isabelle will tell you who is leaving
  29. write down the name of who is leaving in a list and mark the names of dreamies you cycle out to relocate them in a spechial color. This will help you to count how many villagers you need to cycle to reach 16.
  30. repeat the steps untill you have cycled out enough villagers and every house is in the right space!
  31. wait for a villager to leave
  32. have someone (a friend with amiibo, someone on the belltree) put the villager you actually want into boxes.
  33. visit the town of your friend the day after the villager left and convince the dreamie to come to your town
  34. start with a new character to make sure the dreamie moves in the right space
  35. save with the new character and delete it
  36. repair the pattern-grid with your mayor
  37. repeat untill you have all your dreamies back and in the right spaces
  38. feel proud after all that hard work!

Whoever finds a typo: Congrats! you may keep it^^

If this somehow doesn?t belong in this section of the forum or there is just a better place for it, please move this tread.
If you find an error or notice any mistake I made, please pm or vm me to let me know, Thanks^^
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a lot of work went into this and it's very comprehensive! i'm sure this will help lots of people :)
a lot of work went into this and it's very comprehensive! i'm sure this will help lots of people :)

Nonsense! I cycle quite a bit when I play, as I like to keep my villagers fresh. This is a very useful gem. I'm going to bookmark it!

Aww thanks guys! I?m so happy that people find this useful^^
This is very informative! I’m sure it will help a lot of people and make them feel better about cycling! This is definitely not a useless tutorial!
I've just read through this, as I am going to be resetting soon, will need to create a new character for the benefit of plot resetting or to see who it is? Can I just keep moving? I have Becky in boxes rn so I will test this out tomorrow :)

Such a relief for you to link this to me, I thought I was going to have a cycle meltdown. Should have thought about the new update, but oh well..I learnt xD
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Sorry for the late reply^^
I?m not entirely sure what you mean, but you need the new character because the game saves certain things as you load, but only if you load an existing character. The fact that someone moves in and who moves in is randomly generated when you load the game. So if you create a new character, you observe a state that "could be", but it will only be saved if you place down the house of the character and save with Isabelle. If you have 8 villagers and just load with your mayor, someone can plot and you cant change it because the game saved when you loaded, resetting won?t help. If you just start a new character, look who moved in and then forget to save, the game won?t save what you saw and it will generate a new random outcome when you load with your mayor. So always save with the new character when it comes to checking wo moved in!
Creating a new character is also important to see who is moving out to prevent a dreamie from leaving, so i advise you to always create a new character when the tutorial says so^^

If thats not what you were talking about, may i ask you to quote the section of the tutorial you are refering to?

Please let me know if there are any other questions^^
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Sorry for the late reply^^
I?m not entirely sure what you mean, but you need the new character because the game saves certain things as you load, but only if you load an existing character. The fact that someone moves in and who moves in is randomly generated when you load the game. So if you create a new character, you observe a state that "could be", but it will only be saved if you place down the house of the character and save with Isabelle. If you have 8 villagers and just load with your mayor, someone can plot and you cant change it because the game saved when you loaded, resetting won?t help. If you just start a new character, look who moved in and then forget to save, the game won?t save what you saw and it will generate a new random outcome when you load with your mayor. So always save with the new character when it comes to checking wo moved in!
Creating a new character is also important to see who is moving out to prevent a dreamie from leaving, so i advise you to always create a new character when the tutorial says so^^

If thats not what you were talking about, may i ask you to quote the section of the tutorial you are refering to?

Please let me know if there are any other questions^^

Oh thank you! Yes that answered my question :) That's okay~
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Can you add the number of spaces plots can generate from the river/pond, edges of map (including train tracks, campground entrance and cliffs if they are different), and the stone pavement in front of major structures to step #2? And possibly a visual of a plot layout?
Can you add the number of spaces plots can generate from the river/pond, edges of map (including train tracks, campground entrance and cliffs if they are different), and the stone pavement in front of major structures to step #2? And possibly a visual of a plot layout?

added to point 2) under "the beginning". Thank you for your feedback^^
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I have another question, I keep getting my recents leaving the fastest! Could you further this small section here?

TT 7 days forward - someone will be in boxes now
start the game with a new character
check your dreamies?houses:
if a dreamie is in boxes:
- "exit" without saving
- TT back 7 days
- load the game with your mayor
- let them ping you to change their mind

In the reterospect of going 7 days forward, do I exit the game and then make a new a character? Then it will be the same 7 days forward? When I change there mind, do I go forward 7 days again and then will someone different be in boxes?
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In the reterospect of going 7 days forward, do I exit the game and then make a new a character? Then it will be the same 7 days forward? When I change there mind, do I go forward 7 days again and then will someone different be in boxes?

Thank you for your question^^
As stated in the beginning of the guide, time travel should be done in the system menu and not within the game because you would need to load an existing character and thats not what we want.
  • When I say TT 7 days forward it means set the date 7 days forward in the system menu (the part before that clearly stated to save and exit so you will be in the homescreen anyways).
  • start the game with a new character - now start up new leaf again and start a new character
  • check your dreamies?houses: - walk around with the new character and go into the houses of your dreamies
    [*]if a dreamie is in boxes:
    - "exit" without saving
    - TT back 7 days
    - load the game with your mayor
    - let them ping you to change their mind​
This part just means: If your dreamie is in boxes, exit to the homescreen (like descibed at the beginning of the guide) and set the time back 7 days in the system menu to the day you last saved with your mayor. Start the game with your mayor. This shouldn?t count as time travel because you used a new character when looking 7 days into the future, the game didnt save that you ever went 7 days ahead - it just thinks you saved and came back a few minutes later. Your dreamie will have made the descision to move already but he hasnt told you,we went into the future to check who decided to move so we woulndnt have to wait for them to tell us. You now know exactly which dreamie will leave and just wait for them to ping you and change their mind.

After you changed their mind the flow is broken and you need to start from the beginning (as the guide said get someone else into boxes by repeating the steps I had descibed above, then restart the cycling from the beginning!)
This is because: a villager decides to move randomly and then moves 10 days later, regardless if he got to talk you about it or not. We skipped ahead 7 days to see who was planning to move and to be able to prevent it if it was a villager we care about. But before you looked 7 days ahead, the villager already decided to move, you just didn?t know. So at the current day (when you last saved with your mayor) you KNOW who will leave and you let them ping you to change their mind. After you did that, they wont leave - but no one else will leave either.
You need to do what you did in the beginning to prepare for cycling: skip ahead 2-3 days and talk to your dreamies to get the rumor of someone leaving. Do this untill you hear someone is leaving and find out the exact date. If you skip to that date and the villager is actually in boxes (and they didnt change their mind), you can start cycling from point 1. again.

I hope that answered your question, please let me know if there are any other issues, thanks!^^
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Thank you for your question^^
As stated in the beginning of the guide, time travel should be done in the system menu and not within the game because you would need to load an existing character and thats not what we want.
  • When I say TT 7 days forward it means set the date 7 days forward in the system menu (the part before that clearly stated to save and exit so you will be in the homescreen anyways).
  • start the game with a new character - now start up new leaf again and start a new character
  • check your dreamies?houses: - walk around with the new character and go into the houses of your dreamies
    [*]if a dreamie is in boxes:
    - "exit" without saving
    - TT back 7 days
    - load the game with your mayor
    - let them ping you to change their mind​
This part just means: If your dreamie is in boxes, exit to the homescreen (like descibed at the beginning of the guide) and set the time back 7 days in the system menu to the day you last saved with your mayor. Start the game with your mayor. This shouldn?t count as time travel because you used a new character when looking 7 days into the future, the game didnt save that you ever went 7 days ahead - it just thinks you saved and came back t a few minutes later. Your dreamie will have made the descision to move already but he hasnt told you,we went into the future to check who decided to move so we woulndnt have to wait for them to tell us. You now know exactly which dreamie will leave and just wait for them to ping you and change their mind.

After you changed their mind the flow is broken and you need to start from the beginning (as the guide said get someone else into boxes by repeating the steps I had descibed above, then restart the cycling from the beginning!)
This is because: a villager decides to move randomly and then moves 10 days later, regardless if he got to tall you about it or not. We skipped ahead 7 days to see who was planning to move and to be bale to prevent it if it was a villager we care about. But before you looked 7 days ahead, the villager already decided to move, you just didn?t know. So at the current day (when you last saved with your mayor) you KNOW who will leave and you let them ping you to change their mind. After you did that, they wont leave - but no one else will leave either.
You need to do what you did in the beginning to prepare for cycling: skip ahead 2-3 days and talk to your dreamies to get the rumor of someone leaving. Do this untill you hear someone is leaving and find out the exat date. If you skip to that date and the villager is actually in boxes (and they didnt change their mind), you can start cycling from point 1. again.

I hope that answered your question, please let me know if there are any other issues, thanks!^^

Oh right! Thank you! ^^ I understand now.