[Guide] #TurnipSpike Notifications


Turnip for What?
Aug 2, 2013
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#TurnipSpike Notifications Guide
Never miss a #turnipspike again!


If you're invested in the Stalk Market, it's no secret that networking is the key to generating incredible profit each week. While your town may be in a decreasing pattern, there always somebody that has a spike in excess of 450 bells, and recent social networking groups have made finding these users who are willing to open their gates for you as easy as entering a friend code.

Between Bell Tree Forums, /r/ACTurnips on Reddit, and Tumblr's #TurnipSpike? to name a few of the networks that I have used? I find Tumblr's TurnipSpike tag to be both the most active and most responsive community for networking towns in the Stalk Market. However, with Turnip Prices changing in the middle of the day, lasting for such a brief period of time, I've found myself missing #TurnipSpikes in excess of 550 bells quite often.

I am quickly typing up this guide to provide the solution that I personally found for this, and that I hope other users will find quite useful; enabling desktop notifications of new posts in the #TurnipSpike tag.

You will need:
  • Google Chrome
  • A Tumblr Account

Part One: Setup
  1. Login to your Tumblr Account (if you ever log out...)
  2. Navigate to this link: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/turnipspike
  3. In the upper right hand corner, where "#TurnipSpike" is listed in the search box, click "Track."
  4. Return to your Tumblr Dashboard homepage. Click on the search box to confirm that "TurnipSpike" is listed under "Tracked Tags."
  5. Click here and install the Page Monitor Google Chrome App.

Part Two: Tracking
  1. Right click on the heartpulse icon of the Page Monitor application in the upper right hand corner of Google Chrome.
  2. Check the advanced box, and click "import" from at the bottom of the page. Paste the following into the box:
    <!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
    <!-- This is an automatically generated file.
    It will be read and overwritten.
    DO NOT EDIT! -->
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <DT><A HREF="http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard" ADD_DATE="1380640454142">#TurnipSpike</A>
  3. #TurnipSpike should now appear in the list of monitored pages. Uncheck the advanced box.
  4. Slide your "check interval" for how often you wish the application to check for updates, enable desktop notifications, and choose your sound alert.
  5. Whenever Google Chrome is open, the application will check and notify you of updates to the #TurnipSpike tag. To mark the updates as "read," simply click on the heartpulse icon and click "mark visited".

I hope you find this guide useful!