Trading [H] Roses, Windflowers, Tulip [W] Cosmos, Hyacinths, Mums - Plant or Seed


Moonrise Isle Settler
Mar 22, 2020
100% (4) +
Good afternoon everyone,

I have roses I would like to trade for other flowers as in the title.

I still need the following flower seeds:
Red Mums
Red Cosmos
Red Hyacinths

My Nooks has the following seeds today:
Red Rose
Yellow Rose
White Windflower
Orange Windflower
Red Tulip
Yellow Tulip

I also have a few White Rose seeds in my storage from yesterday, I believe ten or so. PM Me a Dodo code with what you want and what you're trading and I'll buy you some seeds.

Thank you very much.
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I have pansies I'd like to trade for rose seeds, I can trade 20 red and 20 yellow for 20 red and 20 yellow rose seeds, and I can check if I have any white pansies I can trade for white roses as well.

Edit: I have 5 white pansy seeds I could trade for 5 white rose plants.
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Sure, can we do 10 red and 10 yellow seeds for 10 red and 10 yellow instead?

Is it OK if I come visit your town to trade?
Sure, can we do 10 red and 10 yellow seeds for 10 red and 10 yellow instead?

Is it OK if I come visit your town to trade?

Sure, I can do that. I'll PM you the Dodo Code.

Edit: thanks a ton, hope you get many orange pansies o/
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I have red pansies and white pansies in seed form at Nook's if youre interested still in pansies.
Hello! I am looking for red, yellow, and white roses! I have red, yellow, and white hyacinths and pansies I can trade you! I can also check what seeds are in my shop today if you would prefer that!

Edit: I have red/yellow hyacinths and pansies in my shop today!
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I have red and yellow hyacinth seeds in my Nook shop.
I would like all the roses you’re willing to give me in exchange :)
Hello! I am looking for red, yellow, and white roses! I have red, yellow, and white hyacinths and pansies I can trade you! I can also check what seeds are in my shop today if you would prefer that!

Edit: I have red/yellow hyacinths and pansies in my shop today!

Are you after the flowers or seeds? Want to do 5 red 5 yellow rose seeds for 5 red and 5 yellow hyacinth seeds?
Are you after the flowers or seeds? Want to do 5 red 5 yellow rose seeds for 5 red and 5 yellow hyacinth seeds?

That sounds great! I can do either seeds or flowers, so whatever works best for you! Would you prefer to come to my town, or to come to yours?
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I very much so would love to trade! May I come get some red/white roses? Let me know what you'd like to do! Are they seed bags or planted btw?

Shall we do seeds for seeds? How many do you need? 5-10 white pansies should be good for me.

- - - Post Merge - - -
That sounds great! I can do either seeds or flowers, so whatever works best for you! Would you prefer to come to my town, or to come to yours?

Do you mind if I pop over to yours?
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I have red white and yellow cosmos! Could I trade for the 3 basic rose colors?
Bumping this up as I still need a few flowers.. mostly red. Sorry to those I didn't get around to trading with recently it's been a busy couple weeks working from home due to COVID-19.