nice to meet you<3 my name is shoutarou, have fun on the forums! for that im unsure, however ive had no issues with my friend code being public. If you need any help let me know
Hello and welcome to the community. There aren’t any issues with sharing your friend code, but be careful about sharing Dodo Codes. Anyone with a Dodo Code can enter your island if they have that code. I wouldn’t recommend posting any Dodo Code publicly just to be safe. I’m so happy you’re enjoying New Horizons. I hope you stick around because this is a nice forum!
I've shared my friend code here several times and I'm happy to report there's been no issues so far! I don't really see any risks, and if you decide you don't want to be friends with someone you can always delete that connection later.
As Croc mentioned, sharing Dodo codes should be kept in PMs, just for safety!
Welcome to TBT! It seems others have already helped you with your code question
Dodo codes on the forums are mostly used for trading & turnips but then you don't usually post those codes straight away in the thread but send a PM with the code to that person.