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Trading Harvest Series, Jingle Series (Complete)


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
0% (0) +
Looking to catalogue trade my Harvest Series for your (fill in blank here). Doing a catalogue trade only because not many people have this right now (that I have seen) so I feel the demand might be a bit high. I would consider trading outright for mermaid set items (since mermaid cannot be purchased from a catalogue).

What else do I want? Take a look at my list in my sig! :)

Oh, and here is a link to the Harvest set, and here for Jingle set, for those interested.
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I can offer you to catalog Alpine Chair, Golden Table, Neutral Floor, Block Floor, Mushroom Mural... uhh, I think that's it. Lol.
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Not looking for balloon items. I believe my catalogue reflects this now (though it didn't before). Also, my rococo set is complete. Did you look at my thread? :)
Well, two of them are Nintendo items... that leaves two items. So you want to trade two of your items for 13 of mine? :confused:
Okay, I'll try this again. I can let you catalog the Alpine Chair, Golden Table, Neutral Floor, Block Floor, Mushroom Mural, Fire Bar, Goal Pole, Train Set, Lunar Surface, Bread Box, Carp Banner (It's the fish flag thing, not sure if that's the right one you were looking for), Clay Furnace, Crane Game, Cream & Sugar, Dessert Case, Dishwasher, Espresso Maker, Harpsichord, Hinaningyo, Homework Set, Hospital TV, Leaf Bed. Is this enough to catalog the whole Harvest Series? Lol. xD

Edit: I won't be able to bring that all at once.. hahaha.
Block Floor, Mushroom Mural, Fire Bar, Goal Pole,
All of this is cookie items (catloguing is useless since I can't buy them later). And isn't the Golden table the same way? Am I wrong in thinking this?
Block Floor, Mushroom Mural, Fire Bar, Goal Pole,
All of this is cookie items (catloguing is useless since I can't buy them later). And isn't the Golden table the same way? Am I wrong in thinking this?

Block Foor, Mushroom Mural, Fire Pole, & Goal Pole are Fortune Cookie Nintendo Items, but they cannot be reordered. I don't think that the Golden Series is reorderable, either.
So do you have any furniture sets/pieces that I don't?

I offered these items as a result of looking through your list and you do not yet have all these cataloged I believe. And it's a lot of items... lol. You can confirm it if you have the time to.
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I have:
Unknown Machine
Classic Buffet
Green Counter
Green Dresser
Neutral Floor
Neutral Wall
Modern Wall
Modern Floor
Modern Bed
Modern End Table
Modern Wardrobe
Modern Dresser
I actually only need the Wall Lamp and Chair for my catalog, so would my Statue of Liberty and Nutcracker be alright for those? Also, by catalog trade you mean just a pick up and drop, right? I guess it wouldn't matter much either way since I could just order another, but I just wanted to be sure.
I offered these items as a result of looking through your list and you do not yet have all these cataloged I believe. And it's a lot of items... lol. You can confirm it if you have the time to.

I don't mean to be rude, but this is in big, bold, red letters at the top of the page.
"Most anything that isn't "X" off on my catalogue, I want. I am not really collecting clothing items at the moment, nor "knick-knacks". Main priority is set pieces and any/all DLC. Sorry. NO NINTENDO items for the time being. With that in mind..."

Anyway, was just asking because I would rather complete sets first. If you like, come on over and I will get trades going with these other two after you. :)

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I have:
Unknown Machine
Classic Buffet
Green Counter
Green Dresser
Neutral Floor
Neutral Wall
Modern Wall
Modern Floor
Modern Bed
Modern End Table
Modern Wardrobe
Modern Dresser
Yeah that will work. Do you have the items you wanted to trade yesterday (your kiddie set for something of mine, I would have to look)?

I actually only need the Wall Lamp and Chair for my catalog, so would my Statue of Liberty and Nutcracker be alright for those? Also, by catalog trade you mean just a pick up and drop, right? I guess it wouldn't matter much either way since I could just order another, but I just wanted to be sure.

That would be fine. I will PM you both. Please come to my town, if you don't mind :)
I don't mean to be rude, but this is in big, bold, red letters at the top of the page.
"Most anything that isn't "X" off on my catalogue, I want. I am not really collecting clothing items at the moment, nor "knick-knacks". Main priority is set pieces and any/all DLC. Sorry. NO NINTENDO items for the time being. With that in mind..."

Anyway, was just asking because I would rather complete sets first. If you like, come on over and I will get trades going with these other two after you. :)

That's fine! Your list kind of confuses me, so I'm glad you emphasized it I guess. Haha. And I would like to add the Golden Dresser as well, I just got it from Cyrus now. :) Adding you now.
@ lordofthereef its going to take me atleast a day to get all of the items because i have to order 13 items
@ lordofthereef its going to take me atleast a day to get all of the items because i have to order 13 items

Which are you referring to, the ones from yesterday or the ones we are talking about now?

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That's fine! Your list kind of confuses me, so I'm glad you emphasized it I guess. Haha. And I would like to add the Golden Dresser as well, I just got it from Cyrus now. :) Adding you now.

If I cant "rebut" the gold there is no sense bringing it over. Just keep it. :)
Which are you referring to, the ones from yesterday or the ones we are talking about now?

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If I cant "rebut" the gold there is no sense bringing it over. Just keep it. :)

Alright. I'll keep both the Dresser and Table with me then. Btw, I'm ready to come over.
@ lordofthereef the ones relating to this set

I have:
Kiddie Bureau
Kiddie Chair
Kiddie Clock
Kiddie Couch
Kiddie Dresser
Kiddie Table
Kiddie Wardrobe
I'd Like:
Lovely Wall, Bed, Chair, Love Seat, Table, Wall Clock and Modern Wood Bed
You posted this yesterday do you have those?

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lets do mic first he should be faster
@ lordofthereef the kiddie stuff will be here on June 27th and the other stuff on June 28th