Has it been determined if the wreaths/doorplates are bugged?


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
I haven't seen anything definitive but I'm starting to wonder. I gave Egbert a branch wreath and he didn't hang it. Then I gave Stitches a paw doorplate and he said he was going to clean his door and hang it up but again he didn't. It's not a big deal I just feel like I'm wasting my time giving these things if they are bugged, I'd rather wait til it's fixed. Thanks
There was some speculation that along with the wreath bug, there was a letter bug where villagers weren't sending letters. I noticed I hadn't gotten any letters from villagers in a while (besides birthday thank-yous), but I just started getting letters again last week, so I thought I would try the wreaths again.

So far, 2 out of 3 in the last week have hung theirs up (I'm pretty sure I have the same level of friendship with all 3. I don't think that matters but mentioning in case anyone is curious).

Hazel - yes (cosmos wreath)
Sherb - no (snowflake wreath)
Molly - yes (timber doorplate - fwiw, Lolly didn't hang up the same doorplate when I gave it to her last month)
My hunch is (and it has to be verified) you can only give one wreath a day for the villager to hang it on their door. When I first got the Ornament wreath DIY, I gave a couple of them to my villager on the same day. A lot of them did not hang it up. I then proceeded to only give one per day and they all hung theirs.
idk, i gave daisy a paw print doorplate and she hung it up the next day. but i remember giving one of my past villagers a heart doorplate a while ago, but she never put it up? :/
I gave 5 or 6 villagers different coloured ornament wreaths before Christmas and none of them hung them up :(

I'm guessing you do have to give only one wreath per day for the best chance, and even then it's down to luck.

Wish this wasn't a thing though, I spent so long making and customising and giving those wreaths. All the villagers said they'd put them up so it's kind of insulting that none of them did lol.