Has the wi-fi features gotten worse?


~the millennium is now~
Apr 29, 2010
Throwback Tickets
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
20 Envelopes
5 Envelopes
Here's the thing.

In City Folk, you could visit other towns through wifi. That was my number one reason to get this game.
In New Leaf, they added alot more wifi activities which made it more fun.

But one thing missing.

I click on local by accident.
Porter tells me about he wants to start connection.
I select no.
I have to start my options again.

It doesn't end here.

I click on "Open Gates"
Porter notices another town has opened.
I click the option
It saves again.
Why did they need to save twice?!

I would like it if they made Porter's speech a little shorter for example:

I try to enter the town
Porter says something about "Busy players"
Why does porter need to say "How exciting! the next train should arrive and blah blah blah blah" again after errors? it really gives your pinky finger the chance to "speed" up his text.

Does anyone agree with me?
I wished they did the "join game" feature that Kid Icarus and Mario Kart 7 have. Like, when a friends gate is open, it says so in the friends list and you can just join from there.

But I still like it more than City Folk since it's so easy, having one friend code for everything and all.

I wish they had "faraway towns" first in the list. I use it far more than local. -.-
The only issue I've had with wifi on new leaf is that it disconnects after like 30 minutes.
I still think its much easier than City Folk, but I do wish they could make it faster to connect without every single person who visits or leaves pausing the game for a minute so we can watch them use the train.
I'm really enjoying the online. I only wish it were a bit easier to check for open towns - I hate having to close my gates before I can, it takes a lot of time.

Then again, I didn't enjoy City Folk much and only played it for like two weeks (same with Wild World) so I don't have much to compare it to.
I like online. It's been pretty useful and fun ( shoutout to Mint!) although I was disconnected just as I was about to get a Japanese players Friend Code. She even brough JPN gifts and I didn't have it sadly but I hope to meet again.

Also, when you ask to visit faraway towns, Porter goes through the trouble of showing an empty list. This could easily be prevented by saying "Oh, sorry, no gates are open at the moment." To trigger if someone's gates are already open, you have to attempt to open your own gates first. I find that kind of annoying.
I've only lost connection about twice. I don't have any problems with wifi at all.