Have been playing for the past few days... Here are my thoughts!


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
So let me just start off by saying that I'm a huge fan of Animal Crossing though I started somewhat late, with my first AC being New Leaf. I didn't really have very high expectations for this game based on the reviews I read but I decided to give it a go regardless. First of all, I just want to say that I think the reviews didn't really do it justice. I think it's still a fun game though it gets boring after a while - which is the main issue here. I've played AC New Leaf for more than a year straight and I was never bored once. ACHHD just moves too quickly for me and there isn't really that much you can do. While I like the fact that you have access to so many villagers (personally, I haven't started with the cards yet and I'm not sure if I will), you don't really develop any kind of "bond" with any of them. Also, the clients leave you with very little incentives to actually create a fun living space for them. There's no different reaction based on what you do and as long as you include their "desired" items from the boxes, they're happy all the same. What this did for me is that I didn't bother putting in any effort into the making of the houses of the villagers I never cared for to start with.
Another thing that I find a tad bit annoying is that you have to write a report after every single client and essentially start a new day each time - I think it'd be more fun if you could do multiple clients per play session and get rewards depending on how many you do and so forth.
I know it's a bit of a rant but I was wondering if anyone feels the same way. Overall, I still think it's a nice and relaxing game - I just don't think it lives up to New Leaf - my favorite game of all time.
I'm getting this game for Christmas, and I'm a tad happy to hear that it gets boring after a while; it means that I won't be staring at my DS for too long.
I'm getting this game for Christmas, and I'm a tad happy to hear that it gets boring after a while; it means that I won't be staring at my DS for too long.
Yes, I know what you mean. New Leaf (although still favorite game) could get a bit too stressful and I literally would spend hours on it each day even when there was relatively little to do. lol... so this is a bit of a breather. I still wish there were more incentives though to keep you a little more motivated.
I agree with this. Another thing about going too fast that gets me a bit annoyed is when you design a house for an animal (not a facility) you get emotes every time likes it's just rewarding you every time, and throwing everything out there at once. I wish it went a bit slower.
I kinda agree with what you're saying, but then in my eyes it makes sense to me. This is a spinoff and I think it's just Nintendo testing out what they would do in a main game feature wise, which is why theyhaven't focused on villager interactions as much or making it go a bit slower paced.

At the same time though I still wish we could bond more with a villager, ever personality says near enough the same thing which gets really boring after a while :/

If you play ancl properly (basically without hacking it) I feel you always have something to do as it takes a while to build up your town, where as this game you can pretty much do everything in one day. ><