Have you ever started your own forum before?

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I have no wish too.
The only reason people make new forums is if the are mad at the forum they're at, or just want the power. And for all my complaining, I really like the forums I'm at, and have no wish to use the Admin CP (which scares me).
I've started my own, helped Duke with his, semi-helped Gabby(Which I need to get back to helping. :lol: ), helped someone with their forum(They do not wish to have their forum known to all, IDKY).
Nintendo Idea Squad
Sonic Legends
Pure Silliness (private though =/)
Hi-Fi Stereo

All failed, but I really think that Hi-Fi can do better than that.
UltraByte said:
Nintendo Idea Squad
Sonic Legends
Pure Silliness (private though =/)
Hi-Fi Stereo

All failed, but I really think that Hi-Fi can do better than that.
Maybe a little spicing up with a skin or two and cool attachments could help it.

Well, my friend did but didn't work all that well.
I think it was:
Propaganda Man said:
[quote="Shadow_] I was admin at a 400+ member one....
Did you help it start out?

If not then it really is a no. [/quote]
Yeah, I was there when it had only 20 members.
I've started like...ten (atleast) forums. The lot of 'em died in like...3 days.

But there were 2 that were active for a few months...
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