Have you heard about internet?

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INTERNET!It will never catch on.The only way I would get on if the had an animal cossing talking place...

Gabbylala said:
INTERNET!It will never catch on.The only way I would get on if the had an animal cossing talking place...

Now that's just silly. D:
Which reminds me... the dialling noises the old modems used to make were horrible. >_<

"Bleep bloop blee blah bleep... BRVUUUUSSSSSHHHHH... bleeeeeeeee-uuuurrrr-eeeeeeeee..."
KatzMotel said:
Which reminds me... the dialling noises the old modems used to make were horrible. >_<

"Bleep bloop blee blah bleep... BRVUUUUSSSSSHHHHH... bleeeeeeeee-uuuurrrr-eeeeeeeee..."
Yah... and if your sound is on really high... :wacko:
KatzMotel said:
Which reminds me... the dialling noises the old modems used to make were horrible. >_<

"Bleep bloop blee blah bleep... BRVUUUUSSSSSHHHHH... bleeeeeeeee-uuuurrrr-eeeeeeeee..."
Then I'd pick up the phone and get whipped really hard by my older brother.
KatzMotel said:
Which reminds me... the dialling noises the old modems used to make were horrible. >_<

"Bleep bloop blee blah bleep... BRVUUUUSSSSSHHHHH... bleeeeeeeee-uuuurrrr-eeeeeeeee..."
Yah... and if your sound is on really high... :wacko:
Actually... its not the speakers that make that noise... when i hat my speaker OFF I could still hear it.
KatzMotel said:
Which reminds me... the dialling noises the old modems used to make were horrible. >_<

"Bleep bloop blee blah bleep... BRVUUUUSSSSSHHHHH... bleeeeeeeee-uuuurrrr-eeeeeeeee..."
Yah... and if your sound is on really high... :wacko:
Actually... its not the speakers that make that noise... when i hat my speaker OFF I could still hear it.
It was for me.
What was with that noise anyway... I don't think it needed to be necessary...anyway glad its gone, but now when I have children I can tell them like an old man "In my day we invented the internet! but in order to get on you had to listen to bbbuubuuuuubuu beeeeee beeeeeerrr bbzzzzzzzzz buuuu beep beep boop boop beeb bep beep beep beep zdzdzzzzzzz oooooooo bzzzzzzrrrr"
or something like that
Actually... its not the speakers that make that noise... when i hat my speaker OFF I could still hear it.
Depends on your set-up. Some modems had the ability to make dialling noises by their own, and some didn't. Ever try connecting with one of those when someone was chatting on the phone? Man, that was weird.
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