Having a Wonderful Time! Wish you were here.


Feb 9, 2016
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Pink Star Fragment
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
With the global pandemic still going on, many of us have had to stay indoors and avoid travel or doing fun summer things. I am sure I'm not the only one yearning for freedom. I thought it would be fun to share photos of happier times, or things you long to do one day. So I'm creating a thread. Please share a photo from a time you enjoyed yourself outside of your house. Was it a vacation? A fun outing to a nearby recreational spot like a park or beach? A night out with friends? Or if you don't have a photo from your own collection, maybe it's an aspirational photo. Somewhere you've been daydreaming about.

I'll start. Here is a photo I took from my hotel room in Florence several years ago when I went backpacking through Europe by myself. It was a terrible hotel (the cheapest I could find) and my room was really sketchy. But the view was so amazing, it made up for it. I sat at that little desk and wrote postcards to my family. Earlier that day I climbed up to the top of the duomo of the Cathedral of Saint Mary (here's a link to a picture of it. If you look you can see people at the top of the dome, with a very thin railing.) It was surprising how little protection they gave people at the top; I feel like in the US they'd have all these barriers that would ruin the experience. I sat up there for a long time just marveling at the view and loving the feeling of being perched so high. It was a great day.

Last summer I took a road trip from Oregon to Iowa. Along the way I stopped at several major landmarks. This photo of a sunset was taken at Yellowstone National Park, one of the last places I visited.