• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

hay fever 🌿🍃💨


☆ dandori issue ☆
Nov 14, 2018
Sautéed Mushrooms
Stained Trombone Spore Foraged Mushroom
Stony Elephant Fungus Foraged Mushroom
Blue Foraged Brushroom
Shiny Foongus Foraged Mushroom
Mythical Foraged Mushroom
Zero-G, Commander, Foraged Mushroom
Porkini Foraged Mushroom
Pink Poyopuffball Foraged Mushroom
Booton Foraged Mushroom
Embarrassed Foraged Blushroom
my allergies feel like they've been getting worse and worse over the past few years. i get seasonal allergies from things like pollen and other outdoor allergens. last year i thought i was maybe developing an allergy to dust or something, but i only really noticed that i'd experience symptoms after being outside. anyone else experience hay fever/seasonal allergies? if so c: are there any remedies that you find help you get through flare ups? i find doing a sinus rinse helps clear everything out so i can breath through my nose again 😆
I feel like mine have gotten worse too 😭 I never thought of myself as having seasonal allergies but in the past couple years I've gone through periods where I just sneeze constantly. Mostly I use Flonase to help me! I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes but I also just try to drink extra water and get lots of vitamin C.
I've always joked that if something's alive, I'm probably mildly allergic to it hah. I'm allergic to lots of pollens and plants, as well as most fur and dust. For me, my management is mainly ensuring things like pillows and bedding is frequently washes, areas of the house that get dusty are wiped down, and antihistamines when I need them - for me I mainly have loratadine, and sometimes polaramine/dexchlorpheniramine, but I think long-term usage can have affects on your heart and stuff so I generally only do when it's really bad. Sometimes when I'm having a bad flare up I've also done the hot bowl of water under my face, or had a warm shower to try to help clear my sinuses?
I don't personally do it but yeah I've heard sinus flushes help a lot, my dad who also has perennial allergies uses them!

I also have undergone desensitisation a couple years back - getting increasing doses of allergens injected over a year or two, which did help! In the end it reduced my hay fever severity by probably about half? based on the skin prick test at least. But it is expensive and time consuming, and requires lots of needles, so I get it wouldn't be good for a lot of people. But I'm happy I did it, as my allergies are more manageable now.
I have non-allergic rhinitis and so I get symptoms pretty much year round, some days/weeks are worse than others. I use a nasal spray (nasonex) and it kinda helps, as does sleeping with my head a bit more elevated than I usually do (I tend to sleep with one pillow or none). There's this other nasal spray that worked amazingly for me in the US but the doctor in Australia refused to write me a prescription for it since it's apparently addictive or something.

I have been really considering trying the nasal rinse thing but I'm honestly scared to do so 😖