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Hiya: if none of these previous offers from other members fall through, I'd happily offer 1.3k for a Yellow / Blue Star Fragment.
Thanks! C:
I doubt I'll be able to afford to buy any on my own with the egg currency at this rate because the 6 remaining clues I haven't figured out still elude me and probably will until the end of the event.

If any of you out there would be willing to sell Candy Corn Halloweaster Eggs, I'd appreciate it.
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Hi if I can't figure out any more clues/puzzles I could maybe buy you the egg. Not really sure, just wanting to hear your offer.
Hi if I can't figure out any more clues/puzzles I could maybe buy you the egg. Not really sure, just wanting to hear your offer.
550 seems to be the going price around the forums, since they're less expensive and easier to acquire than the Moonlight/Zombie/Cobweb/Flick Eggs. Would that suffice?
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Hello ☺️🧡 If you‘re still looking I can sell you a candy corn egg for 550 ~
Hoping to get two more if anyone's looking to sell. 🎃

Just need one more. 🎃
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Auction for one going on right now, with a buyout price ;)


Interested in purchasing Candy Corn Halloweaster Eggs.

I'm also looking to sell this:

- Toy Hammer
(dated May 23, 2016)
- Vesta

Let me know if you are interested!
Me again ^.^ may I please ask what date Vesta is?