Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Bump! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

🎃🎃🎃 Interested in some of these Halloween collectibles so I figured it's time to dig up the thread. 🎃🎃🎃
heya! I have enough gold left to sell ya either a gourdy, 1-2 rafflesias, or a spectral preserves?

lemme know if interested and tbt offer 🙂
heya! I have enough gold left to sell ya either a gourdy, 1-2 rafflesias, or a spectral preserves?

lemme know if interested and tbt offer 🙂

Thanks for reaching out.

I think I'm most inclined to go for the 2 Rafflesias since I have more of something in mind for them than I do for Gourdy.

As for price, I don't usually like to be the first to figure out a price for new collectibles since I don't really know what to offer, but how about, say 200 each? Hoping to get a bunch of them, and that will add up, so I'm hoping to keep the price manageable. Let me know what you think.
As for price, I don't usually like to be the first to figure out a price for new collectibles since I don't really know what to offer, but how about, say 200 each? Hoping to get a bunch of them, and that will add up, so I'm hoping to keep the price manageable. Let me know what you think.
heya, would 300 tbt each be possible?
🎃🎃🎃 Bump! 🎃🎃🎃

Now seeking date trades for 🦇🦇🦇 Purple Bat Potion 🦇🦇🦇 and ✴️✴️✴️ Eerie Star Potion ✴️✴️✴️.

Let me know if you can help!​
hi again!! at the momento i've got 15 gold, though after i complete the round 2 crossword and my entry is accepted/complete for deathly designs round 2, i'll have 55 gold total (i think so anyways).

so i'd either be able to buy 1 gourdy + 1 rafflesia or 3 rafflesias. let me know any of these are of interest to thou 😌
hi again!! at the momento i've got 15 gold, though after i complete the round 2 crossword and my entry is accepted/complete for deathly designs round 2, i'll have 55 gold total (i think so anyways).

so i'd either be able to buy 1 gourdy + 1 rafflesia or 3 rafflesias. let me know any of these are of interest to thou 😌

Definitely want to take you up on the offer. I'm going to weigh my options between the two and get back to you. :)
I am offering up my Ghostly Gold at 1000 tbt per 15gg, so the
Rafflesia = 1000tbt
Gourdy = 2000tbt
If interested, let me know if you want any messages and when I should purchase them. Thanks!
I am offering up my Ghostly Gold at 1000 tbt per 15gg, so the
Rafflesia = 1000tbt
Gourdy = 2000tbt
If interested, let me know if you want any messages and when I should purchase them. Thanks!

Thank you for offering. That's a bit more than I'm looking to spend on either. Considering I'm interested in buying numerous of both, that'd really add up. I'll let you know if I change my mind though.

I hope you have a Happy Halloween!