Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

Hi Halloqueen! I can get you either the gourdy or rafflesias if you still need em after buying from magicaldonkey. I'm also ok with the price you set before. Just lmk!
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hi again!! at the momento i've got 15 gold, though after i complete the round 2 crossword and my entry is accepted/complete for deathly designs round 2, i'll have 55 gold total (i think so anyways).

so i'd either be able to buy 1 gourdy + 1 rafflesia or 3 rafflesias. let me know any of these are of interest to thou 😌
After thinking on it, I think I'll opt for the three Rafflesias when you have the Ghostly Gold.

I'll let you know if I end up with them in the meantime and need to switch or anything.

Let me know when you've got the Ghostly Gold and we'll carry out the transaction.

Thank you again! :)
if you still have the rainbow candy up for trade, i can buy two rafflesias for you from the shop!

It is still available. Any chance I could change it to 1 Rafflesia + 1 Gastly, please?
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Hi @Halloqueen !
I have an eerie star potion from November 1, 2021 I can trade! Would you like a message on it? I don’t need a message on mine.
Hi @Halloqueen !
I have an eerie star potion from November 1, 2021 I can trade! Would you like a message on it? I don’t need a message on mine.
Yes, please!

No message necessary on mine either, I don't have one in mind. I've sent my 2020 Eerie Star Potion over now and you can send the November 1, 2021 over when you can. Thank you!
hiya! would you take 200 tbt for your ど?

Would you be willing to go 225? Trying to save up for something long term, but also saw a Pokémon I want to buy, so every bell is appreciated. Still cheaper than others available. Let me know what you think. :)

Would you be willing to go 225? Trying to save up for something long term, but also saw a Pokémon I want to buy, so every bell is appreciated. Still cheaper than others available. Let me know what you think. :)

hiya! sure i can do that, i’ll send the tbt your way now! no message needed on it, thank you so much and happy new year!
Always held onto two spares for the old Halloween collectibles in case they ever brought back the option for 6x6. I really want something currently though, so need TBT.
