Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

Sounds good to me. I was originally planning to sell one but we do what we must to build our dream lineups. Any set time for your wand?
any time after the prize collectibles are distributed is fine!

if it would help you a bit (and assuming my math is correct), I could throw in a space whale plush too, so you can sell it and help build up funds โ˜บ๏ธ
any time after the prize collectibles are distributed is fine!
You got it! I was hoping to wait until the quiz points were distributed anyway, because I'm 5 mission tokens short right this moment and taking 5 from any of the other currencies would be a pain, lol. That said, I recall seeing that they said winners are able to choose what date their prizes take to accommodate their lineup plans. Of course, if you're fine with the default, that works anyhow.

if it would help you a bit (and assuming my math is correct), I could throw in a space whale plush too, so you can sell it and help build up funds โ˜บ๏ธ
That would be amazing! No pressure if the math doesn't add up, but I really appreciate the generosity. Thank you! ๐Ÿ’œ

Mind waiting on purchasing it too? I traded a Pink Moon for one with princess.looking.for.frog as I didn't have a lineup idea for the one I was going to get, but I've since then come up with an idea for one. So I'd be able to use the one you got and free me up to sell the other one.
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Mind waiting on purchasing it too? I traded a Pink Moon for one with princess.looking.for.frog as I didn't have a lineup idea for the one I was going to get, but I've since then come up with an idea for one. So I'd be able to use the one you got and free me up to sell the other one.
oh absolutely, I was planning on doing that anyways since I figured you'd also want a specific date/time. ๐Ÿ’œ

also you're welcomeeee! I figured it's only fair since the planet wand is worth more tokens than the ISC fragment, plus people seem to really like their space whales so it shouldn't take too long to sell hehe โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿณ
hiya Halloqueen! i purchased what i needed to go in between my frags! tysm for waiting! feel free to purchase the gaxo frag + send it over whenever they become tradable :blush:
All right!

They won't be tradable until the 26th, which is next Saturday, when all the Camp collectibles are removed from the Shop. Same goes for the Rocket Pops and S.S. Dolphin. So it'll be a bit. But I'll grab it and then send it off to you once they're given the all clear.
All right!

They won't be tradable until the 26th, which is next Saturday, when all the Camp collectibles are removed from the Shop. Same goes for the Rocket Pops and S.S. Dolphin. So it'll be a bit. But I'll grab it and then send it off to you once they're given the all clear.

no worries! i can wait :blush: if possible could you purchase it tonight? or even just asap cause i'm gonna purchase a wand at the end to close everything off ๐Ÿ’œ (and then maybe let me know when you do purchase it to be sure i can get my wand to go last) i just wanna try and do the least amount of date trading if possible LOL
no worries! i can wait :blush: if possible could you purchase it tonight? or even just asap cause i'm gonna purchase a wand at the end to close everything off ๐Ÿ’œ (and then maybe let me know when you do purchase it to be sure i can get my wand to go last) i just wanna try and do the least amount of date trading if possible LOL
Just bought it for you. :)
:alien:๐Ÿ›ธ:alien: If anyone has 10 tokens they aren't using, want to sell me a Yellow Moon for like 150? Price negotiable, let me know. :alien:๐Ÿ›ธ:alien:
Yes, please! Can you hold off on purchasing until I get a few other things in order? I'll let you know when.
I wasnโ€™t planning on holdingโ€ฆ I assumed you were looking to buy right away.
I mean I basically am. I just need to tell someone else to buy something first for my lineup since we can't move them around.

I can pay in advance?
I donโ€™t feel comfortable with advance payments. You could always message me back when youโ€™re finished getting your other collectibles.
I donโ€™t feel comfortable with advance payments. You could always message me back when youโ€™re finished getting your other collectibles.
I expect to get back to you within the day, just need to see the other person online first to tell them. So I'll get back to you asap.