Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

I have a chick egg if you are still looking! I would love TBT for them (idk the prices well, but maybe 200-300?)
I have a chick egg if you are still looking! I would love TBT for them (idk the prices well, but maybe 200-300?)
Hi! Thanks for reaching out!

I am still looking for those. Unfortunately, I'm refraining from purchases until Halloween in October since those tend to be some of my favorite collectibles and I want to have as much TBT as possible going into the event in case I need to buy some things from other members then.

I doubt it, but if you still have it come November I might be interested if I still have enough TBT then. It's all good if someone else swings by and purchases it in the meantime though.
🟥⬛🟩 Want to date trade a 2022 Kwanzaa Candy (Dec 26, 2022 @ 12:26 PM) for one from 2021, if anyone can help. 🟥⬛🟩

I realized that there might be some Kwanzaa Candies from January 2022 and those also work for what I'm aiming for, so updated the OP.​