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Spare Purple Bat Potion for sale!
Hey hun! I have a Dec 15, 2019 bloodshot potion I could swap with u.

If you are interested, just shoot me a DM of any message you might want on yours. I am about to head to work so I will not be able to send until I get home tonight or if I get a break and remember to come on her

If we do swap, can you please put the message

These are the remains of Lord Farquaad
🎃🎃🎃 Buying purchases using your Carnival Coins. Let me know if selling, please! 🎃🎃🎃
🎃🎃🎃 If anyone's interested, I'll trade you a Space Whale Plush for a Halloween 2023 collectible. 🎃🎃🎃
hi! i just bought a lucky from the shop, and i’d be more than happy to give him to you! i’ll accept whatever you think is fair ^^
hi! i just bought a lucky from the shop, and i’d be more than happy to give him to you! i’ll accept whatever you think is fair ^^
Sent the TBT.

Thank you very much and I hope you have a very Happy Halloween! 🎃
Would like to trade one of my older Jacks for one from this year. Timestamps listed in first post.
Hi! I’m interested in your purple bat potion - which halloween collectibles are you looking for? I’m not sure how many coins I’ll have left so can’t give you an exact offer yet. Alternatively to event coins I can offer to buy you something with the jack token + tbt for your potion?
Hi! I’m interested in your purple bat potion - which halloween collectibles are you looking for? I’m not sure how many coins I’ll have left so can’t give you an exact offer yet. Alternatively to event coins I can offer to buy you something with the jack token + tbt for your potion?
Hi! Thanks for reaching out. I'm already pretty well covered on all of the Jack's Token collectibles, but I'd be interested in trading the potion for one of these new 2023 Halloween collectibles; I'd prefer to wait to find out how many Coins you have left since I'm interested in most of these things anyhow.