Hello :3


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2021
Hey'a! ^.^ I just found this site awhile ago just haven't really posted
in awhile until now it seems like a really cool place just to hang out in!
I'm kinda shy and have a slight social anxiety so I don't talk to much I attend to lurk
more rather to participate in other's convocations tbh. I'm a she/her. 33.
I am a new gamer to animal crossing. I just started playing New Horizons when it first
launched last year! I haven't really played all the other games. Just the
new horizons but I'm thinking on getting the new leaf one for my Nintendo 3DS just to
see what I have missed out! But that's all. Bye ^.^
Heyz welcome!

A whole year acnh... Your island must have progressed a lot!
What's your island name and your rep name?
I'm Lt. Savior but everyone just calls me Savi and my island name is Savi Sands.
It's really nice here cause you can obtain just about everything.
Like the shops of Jhine and MissPanda. Omg they sell everything!
And the threads are interesting too like, what's the color of your eye's
and what's your favorite flavor milkshake. lol