Hello, all!


it's a beautiful bikini bottom day!
Feb 7, 2014
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Tasty Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Ancient Lantern
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Cherry (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Hiya, guys! I feel a little intrusive making a thread like this, but, well, it's here for a reason.

Anyway, my name's Nikki, and I've been playing AC since Wild World. I don't usually join forums, but I really liked this community, and really enjoy how people help each other get dreamies and stuff. So, it's wonderful to meet all of you! <3 If you'd like to add me, feel free to do so, and send me a PM with yours so I can add you back~! I love visiting peoples' towns and stuff, it's really fun to me.

(Sidenote: Never visit my dream town for the main town (...yet). It's still under construction after however long NL has been out since I never used to decorate towns, and now that I want to, I have to finish up my two alt's houses first and then try pathing and such but none of that has been done especially now that I grabbed a second copy and have been resetting it for a day so far. Seriously my town's gross don't look at it.)
Heya Nikki~
Welcome to TBT I really hope you enjoy it here :3
Yeah we got a lot of people who give away villagers for other people to have :3 And then you have us cyclers who buy extra copies just to help people Cause we have nothing better to do with our lives.. Well.. I don't anyway xD

But there's other fun parts of this site too - w - ) And some funny and awesome people too :D

If you ever need help, or a friend or to have a little chat.. or basically anything~ I'm always here :D <33
Welcome to the forums, Nikki! c: I've played since ww as well! I hope you have fun and enjoy your stay here~ : D
Ahh, thank you all so very very much~! <333 I'll try to be as helpful as I can once I get my second town running (aka when I get Freya goshdarnit)! (Not that I entirely understand how cycling works, but I'll try since I hope for everyone to get their dreamies!!)

I really appreciate everyones' hospitality, and I'm truly honored to be a part of these forums after lurking for so long. uvu Again, thank you all, and I look forward to participating in all sorts of fun stuff! ♥