Hey everyone, I'm new here! I used to play the GC version of AC all the time back in the day. Last week I sprung for a "New" 3DS and a copy of ACNL and I couldn't be happier! Would anybody give me tips or tricks for making fast bells? Fishing for sharks is long and lonesome, I want to get my dreamsuite up and running but that price tag is hefty!
by buying it via one of the hundreds of sig makers on the forum ? some take in game bells, some only take the forum bells (the bells below your username in the side here) and they aren't cheap lol I'd wait until you figure your Dreamies out though, I mean you can just put your current villagers but most people here do their Dreamies (dream villagers) and obtained means, well, that you've obtained the ones with a symbol beside it.
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Regarding making money, you could also trade stuff with people for IGB (in game bells) or build up TBT and trade that for millions (100TBT = 20mil IGB, 50TBT= 10mil IGB is the usual formula) or try your hand at selling villagers you don't want, depending what they are.