Junior Member
Hello, everyone on TBT forums!!! I'm glad to be here!!! I love Animal Crossing to the passion and i will remain very active and be kind to all the users here. I will tell you a couple things about my animal crossing stuff......
Town Name In Animal Crossing GC: Animal-K
My Name In AC: GC: Tobi
I love the Game Cube one. I am going to by the Wii version soon. I have the DS one and the GC as you know..... Well it's great to be here!!! I will enjoy myself.
Town Name In Animal Crossing GC: Animal-K
My Name In AC: GC: Tobi
I love the Game Cube one. I am going to by the Wii version soon. I have the DS one and the GC as you know..... Well it's great to be here!!! I will enjoy myself.