hello and all that jazz

Aug 25, 2010
Hello all, you may abbreviate my name as SG64 or SGC64, or just SGC....anyway, I was a very active member of AXA, another, popular AC forum. It has been down for months now, and I decided to look for a new Animal Crossing community. Hope to enjoy myself here.

BTW, don't bother asking me for friend codes. I only like the original Animal Crossing.
I think AXA is back up.. think they went up a few weeks ago, due to some kind of petition thing or something.

either way, you're welcome here if you like.

just don't take anyone seriously unless they're serious. :p
Hey, welcome to The Bell Tree! i'm from AXA aswell! (As Master Crash) Hope you enjoy yourself here.
Peekab00m said:
Thought 'Jazz' said Jizz.
get your mind out of the gutter.

oh wait, internet.

I thought the same/saw the same, too. then i reread it and was like "lolhuh."
Thunderstruck said:
You guys have bad eyes =P
you don't know the half of it. :p

my vision w/o glasses is like ~10, in both eyes. terrible. (with 20/20 being best, or whatever bs they have)
SuperGamecube64 said:
Yeah, AXA IS back up, but something about is less inviting, and it just doesn't seem as....homey?
Probs because they haven't reinstalled the old theme yet. :p
